Also ein kleines Stücken weiter bin ich schon mal.
ID As Double
Flags As Integer
CutoffInterval As Integer
Cutoff As Double
End Type
Declare Function W32_NSFDbReplicaInfoGet Lib "nnotes.dll" Alias "NSFDbReplicaInfoGet" ( Byval hdb As Long, replInfoStruct As DBREPLICAINFO ) As Integer
Dies kann mir schon ein wenig weitehelfen, speziell die Flags.
Nur habe ich noch keine Möglichkeit gefunden, die in dem beschriebenen Punkt bei den Platzsparern eingestellte
Anzahl an Tagen in irgendeiner Form auszulesen.
/* Replication flags
NOTE: Please note the distinction between REPLFLG_DISABLE and
REPLFLG_NEVER_REPLICATE. The former is used to temporarily disable
replication. The latter is used to indicate that this database should
NEVER be replicated. The former may be set and cleared by the Notes
user interface. The latter is intended to be set programmatically
and SHOULD NEVER be able to be cleared by the user interface.
The latter was invented to avoid having to set the replica ID to
the known value of REPLICA_ID_NEVERREPLICATE. This latter method has
the failing that DBs that use it cannot have DocLinks to them. */
/* 0x0001 spare was COPY_ACL */
/* 0x0002 spare */
#define REPLFLG_DISABLE 0x0004 /* Disable replication */
#define REPLFLG_UNREADIFFNEW 0x0008 /* Mark unread only if newer note */
#define REPLFLG_IGNORE_DELETES 0x0010 /* Don't propagate deleted notes when
replicating from this database */
#define REPLFLG_HIDDEN_DESIGN 0x0020 /* UI does not allow perusal of Design */
#define REPLFLG_DO_NOT_CATALOG 0x0040 /* Do not list in catalog */
#define REPLFLG_CUTOFF_DELETE 0x0080 /* Auto-Delete documents prior to cutoff date */
#define REPLFLG_NEVER_REPLICATE 0x0100 /* DB is not to be replicated at all */
#define REPLFLG_ABSTRACT 0x0200 /* Abstract during replication */
#define REPLFLG_DO_NOT_BROWSE 0x0400 /* Do not list in database add */
#define REPLFLG_NO_CHRONOS 0x0800 /* Do not run chronos on database */
#define REPLFLG_IGNORE_DEST_DELETES 0x1000 /* Don't replicate deleted notes
into destination database */
#define REPLFLG_MULTIDB_INDEX 0x2000 /* Include in Multi Database indexing */
#define REPLFLG_PRIORITY_LOW 0xC000 /* Low priority */
#define REPLFLG_PRIORITY_MED 0x0000 /* Medium priority */
#define REPLFLG_PRIORITY_HI 0x4000 /* High priority */
#define REPLFLG_PRIORITY_SHIFT 14 /* Shift count for priority field */
#define REPLFLG_PRIORITY_MASK 0x0003 /* Mask for priority field after shifting*/
#define REPLFLG_PRIORITY_INVMASK 0x3fff /* Mask for clearing the field */
#define REPLFLG_USED_MASK (0x4|0x8|0x10|0x40|0x80|0x100|0x200|0xC000|0x1000|0x2000|0x4000)