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Domino 9 und frühere Versionen => ND8: Administration & Userprobleme => Thema gestartet von: m3 am 01.06.11 - 09:36:03

Titel: Interim Fix 1 for Notes 8.5.2 Fix Pack 2
Beitrag von: m3 am 01.06.11 - 09:36:03
Gefixed unter anderem:

MLAT87XSS7   Fixes a problem with multiple nlnotes.exe getting launched and Nsd being invoked on quickly clicking notes shortcut multiple times.
ASIN8AEMLH   Fixes nlnotes crash in NEMCheckPreviousInstance when multi-clicking notes shortcut causes multiple notes.exe and hence multiple nlnotes.exe to be invoked.
ATHN8CFKST   Fix notes.exe crash in fprintf
MLUR8F6P9A   If 2 or more Notes.exe processes are launched, ensure that they are serialized and Db args passed in are honored.
SLAE8ESJK8   Fixed a problem where restart of notes after a provisioning operation due to an install of a plugin or a widget sometimes would end up launching 2 Notes2.exe processes.
ATHN8GPAF7   Follow-up fix for SLAE8ESJK8 (rcp_old_pid changes)
PRAD8F7KJD   KeyView for Excel buffer overflow
PRAD8E3HKR   KeyView for Excel
PRAD88MJ2W   KeyView for LZH viewer issue
PRAD8823ND   KeyView for Office Document
PRAD8823A7    KeyView for Applix Spreadsheets
PRAD8E3NKZ   KeyView for Lotus Notes .prz files
PRAD8E3NSP   KeyView for Lotus Notes .zip files
PRAD8823JQ   KeyView for RTF (**NOTE: This issue does not affect the Notes 8.5.2.x code stream)

Titel: Re: Interim Fix 1 for Notes 8.5.2 Fix Pack 2
Beitrag von: MeisterLampe am 01.06.11 - 14:38:02
Beinhaltet das Interim Fix das FP2 ?

Notes_852FP2IF1_Standard_W32 (118,34MB)
Titel: Re: Interim Fix 1 for Notes 8.5.2 Fix Pack 2
Beitrag von: m3 am 01.06.11 - 14:42:35
Üblicherweise nicht, ich habs aber nicht gecheckt.
Titel: Re: Interim Fix 1 for Notes 8.5.2 Fix Pack 2
Beitrag von: MeisterLampe am 01.06.11 - 14:45:24
sieht aber so aus:

For Notes 8.5.2.x

Option 1: Upgrade to Interim Fix 1 for Notes 8.5.2 Fix Pack 2 (Available on Fix Central as of May 25, 2011. See technote 1500632 for download links and more info)

- or -

Option 2: Apply the self-extracting patch (targeted posting to Fix Central on June 15th)

- or -

Option 3: Disable the viewer as described in the "Options to disable viewers within Lotus Notes" section of this technote.