Hallo zusammen,
ich habe das gleiche Problem wie die beiden Poster über mir.
Habe mich in das Thema auch schon etwas eingelesen, mit der Forms8 klappt die ganze Geschichte, mit der Forms85(8.5.2 FP3) bekomme ich auch die weiße Seite.
Gibt es in der Apache bzw. in der Conf Datei für die Virtual Site Einstellungen die man noch anpassen muss um das mit der Forms85 zum fliegen zubekommen? Hat jemand Infos wie es mit der Forms aussieht vom 8.5.3?
Hier noch nen Link mit einer Problembeschreibung die mit meiner übereinstimmt.
The Apache Reverse proxy was setup correctly. Two Domino mail servers were set up and the redirector database was in place to
redirect a request to the appropriate server. The redirector was modified to replace the hostname with the proper hostname so the
proxy would know where to send requests. This was a known issue in the 6.5 world. The redirector database would do its job and it
hand off to the Domino server, which would then replace the FQDN with its own name. It messed lots of things up. It only happened
when multiple servers were used. Anyway, the redirector database was modified. We tested and sniffed for a total of 7+ hours and
found that the forms85 database was the issue.
Here's what worked:
*Forms65 against a 6.5 mail database
*Forms8 against an 8 mail database
*Forms8 against an 8.5 mail database
Here's what did not work:
*Forms65 against a mail 8 database or mail 8.5 database(obvious)
*Forms85 against a mail 8 or 8.5 database
In den Beispielen fehlen überall Redirects auf bestimmte unter 8.5 notwendige Verzeichnisse:
Hier sind diese deifniert:
iNotes Functionality
/favicon.ico (iNotes icon)
/domjs (iNotes sidebar)
/iNotes (iNotes Forms File)
/iwaredir.nsf (Depends on DBname used for redirector )
/names.nsf (Require for Authentication)
/mail (Depends on The Config as well could be mail1, mail2 etc.)
Server Archive
/archive (Depends on Archive directory set by user or admin default is /archive)
DOLS / Local Archive (will still require ini set for dolstcpip for DOLS to find domino server)
Active X
/dwabho.dll (Browser Helper Object for cache cleaning)
/dwa85W.cab ( iNotes Cab for win XP or later)
/dwa85.cab (iNotes Cab for older versions of win)
/dwa85res_en.dll (Resource strings for cab )
Proxy Integration (used for google federated calendar, and quickr integration)
STLinks (Sametime Integration within iNotes)
Samtime Open AJAX Hub (Sametime Proxy Integration within iNotes using 8.5.2 Tech-preview )
Das hilft weiter ...
Bei mir läuft es mittlerweile mit http und https unter Red-Hat ...
Hier der relevante und anonymisierte Ausschnitt aus meiner httpd.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName myexternalhostname.mydomain.com
redirect permanent / http://myexternalhostname.mydomain.com/iNotes_redirect.nsf
ProxyRequests off
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
ProxyHTMLLogVerbose On
LogLevel error
# Important! Otherwise your proxy will be an open proxy
ProxyRequests off
# Redirection entries to and from internal server
ProxyPass /names.nsf http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/names.nsf
ProxyPassReverse /names.nsf http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/names.nsf
ProxyPass /domcfg.nsf http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/domcfg.nsf
ProxyPassReverse /domcfg.nsf http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/domcfg.nsf
ProxyPass /dclf.nsf http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/dclf.nsf
ProxyPassReverse /dclf.nsf http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/dclf.nsf
ProxyPass /iNotes_redirect_proxy.nsf http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/iNotes_redirect_proxy.nsf
ProxyPassReverse /iNotes_redirect_proxy.nsf http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/iNotes_redirect_proxy.nsf
ProxyPass /iNotes_redirect.nsf http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/iNotes_redirect_proxy.nsf
ProxyPassReverse /iNotes_redirect.nsf http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/iNotes_redirect_proxy.nsf
ProxyPass /domjava/ http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/domjava/
ProxyPassReverse /domjava/ http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/domjava/
ProxyPass /domjs/ http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/domjs/
ProxyPassReverse /domjs/ http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/domjs/
ProxyPass /mail/ http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/mail/
ProxyPassReverse /mail/ http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/mail/
ProxyPass /iNotes/ http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/iNotes/
ProxyPassReverse /iNotes/ http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/iNotes/
ProxyPass /icons/ http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/icons/
ProxyPassReverse /icons/ http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/icons/
ProxyPass /favicon.ico http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/favicon.ico
ProxyPassReverse /favicon.ico http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/favicon.ico
ProxyPass /sametime/ http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/sametime/
ProxyPassReverse /sametime/ http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/sametime/
# ActiveX
ProxyPass /dwabho.dll http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/dwabho.dll
ProxyPassReverse /dwabho.dll http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/dwabho.dll
ProxyPass /dwa85W.cab http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/dwa85W.cab
ProxyPassReverse /dwa85W.cab http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/dwa85W.cab
ProxyPass /dwa85.cab http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/dwa85.cab
ProxyPassReverse /dwa85.cab http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/dwa85.cab
ProxyPass /dwa85res_en.dll http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/dwa85res_en.dll
ProxyPassReverse /dwa85res_en.dll http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/dwa85res_en.dll
ProxyPass /dwa85res_de.dll http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/dwa85res_de.dll
ProxyPassReverse /dwa85res_de.dll http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/dwa85res_de.dll
ProxyPass /xsp/proxy http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/xsp/proxy
ProxyPassReverse /xsp/proxy http://myinternalhostname.myinternaldomain.com/xsp/proxy
Grüße David