Das Notes Forum
Sonstiges => Offtopic => Thema gestartet von: eknori am 12.08.09 - 08:00:06
What the plan is (and as Nathan said, it is not set in stone it will happen) is that OpenNTF will offer free development hosting. When you create your project, you get a question if you want it hosted. If you select "yes", a VMware server is being setup, Linux and Domino installed, your ID file being created and sent to you within a few minutes. I think John said 120 seconds...
via http://www.bleedyellow.com/blogs/texasswede/entry/openntf_free_hosting_of_projects3 (http://www.bleedyellow.com/blogs/texasswede/entry/openntf_free_hosting_of_projects3)