Das Notes Forum
Domino 9 und frühere Versionen => ND8: Administration & Userprobleme => Thema gestartet von: yves.menge am 09.01.08 - 10:09:58
Hallo Zusammen
Macht es Sinn, die Event4.nsf Datenbank zwischen allen Server replizieren zu lassen?
Hallo Yves,
wenn Du Monitoring einsetzen möchtest "Ja"
Wird diese DB nicht automatisch repliziert, wenn ich eine neue Replik auf einem anderen Server erstellen will erhalte ich die Meldung die DB sein in Benutzung und wenn ich versuche die DB zu replizieren bekomme ich die Meldung dass keine Replik auf dem Zielserver existiert.
Guckst du
CATALOG.NSF, EVENTS4.NSF, STATREP.NSF, and ADMIN4.NSF, databases which are built automatically by Notes when the server starts up, have Replica IDs which are related to the Replica ID of NAMES.NSF.
NAMES.NSF has a Replica Id of: 852564AC:004EBCCF
CATALOG.NSF has a Replica Id of: 852564AC:014EBCCF
EVENTS4.NSF has a Replica Id of: 852564AC:024EBCCF
ADMIN4.NSF has a Replica Id of: 852564AC:034EBCCF
STATREP.NSF has a Replica Id of: 852564AC:044EBCCF
Notice that the similarity is in the last six (6) characters of the Replica ID (4EBCCF in this example). The distinguishing characters are the first two (2) characters of the unique part of the Replica ID (01, 02, 03, 04 in this example). For example:
MAIL.BOX, also built automatically upon server startup, has a randomly generated Replica ID, unrelated to that of NAMES.NSF, as does CERTLOG.NSF, which must be built manually.
In R5, only the ADMIN4.NSF and CATALOG.NSF Replica IDs are similar to the NAMES.NSF Replica ID. This differs from V4 where EVENTS4.NSF and STATREP.NSF were also similar.
In R5, you may also notice that the Replica IDs of the following databases are similar to one another (but not necessarily similar to the NAMES.NSF):
With these five databases, all but the last four (4) characters are identical. For example:
LOG.NSF Replica ID is 852567F5:003C3954
STATREP.NSF Replica ID is 852567F5:003C8D04
In demfall werden die auch abgeglichen ohne "identische replikid"?
Wenn die Server im selben Domino Directory sind bekommen die Event4.nsf automatisch die gleiche Replik-ID.
Weil die sich aus der Replik-ID des Directories ableitet.