Domino Next will support message recall (
@m3:AFAIk nein. Soweit ich das mitbekommen habe, ist das ein Template. Ich schau mit den Pressrelease aber nochmal genauer an.
Bezüglich der SAP Geschichte. Wird es da eine API geben oder so etwas in der Art ? Haben die sich da ein wenig genauer ausgequiekt ?
- So Goodies wie Anti-Spam direkt in Domino ist sicher gut (im Gegensatz zur Meinung von Ulrich)
SESSION - AD203: Web Services in Domino Designer
This was more of an intro than I was expecting, but that was fine. This kind of stuff is interesting to me.
Big thing I heard in this session was Steve Nikopoulos saying that "document/literal" will be the new default encoding for Domino web services in future versions of Notes (it's currently "RPC/encoded"). And he said that "document/literal" should be the "preferred" encoding you use, unless your client applications demand a different format or you return Arrays from your web service methods. Not sure why he would say that about the Arrays, so I have that on my list of things to find out later.
@m3:Nachtrag: Im Prinzip wird der Lotus Connector for SAP R/3 with MTA and Workflow ( erweitert.
Bezüglich der SAP Geschichte. Wird es da eine API geben oder so etwas in der Art ? Haben die sich da ein wenig genauer ausgequiekt ?
den Java JumpStart von DuffBert und Julian Robichaux hätte ich interessant gefunden (vor 5 Jahren >:D).Nörgel, nörgel, nörgel. Die Session wurde explizit als "Jumpstart" angeführt und in der Beschreibung hieß es:
Ist natürlich ein guter Einstieg, und so viel weiter bin ich auch noch nicht, aber das gibt es alles schon seit langer Zeit als Artikel bei IBM developerworks.
Irgendwie hätte ich mir in einem LotusSphere-Vortrag etwas mehr Innovation gewünscht.
Your LotusScript knowledge gives you a solid base for coding Java agents in Lotus Domino. Learn the fundamentals of Java, and leave with some working code and the confidence to begin Java development. O
Irgendwie scheinen die "buzz words" schon nach ein paar Stunden ausgegangen zu sein ...Wegen Zeitverschiebung gebe ich das noch nicht verloren.
Let me start by saying that Bruce and I DID NOT have a chance to podcast tonight. We both went to Jamfest, and then Kimonos, and... it was really late and we all had a lot to drink by the time we were done. Bad idea to try to podcast at that point. We're supposed to meet up in the morning.
If you don't mind reading for a while, here's what I saw today...
'f.Database = db
'f.Operation = op
' For now, add the database and operation onto the fault string because of spr
' SNIS68AQV4. When this bug is fixed remove this comment and the next two lines
The first tool was a all Java Image resizing application done as a pure Java agent. Typical solutions require external tools and are platform dependent. The Java agent runs in R6++ and isn't dependent on anything else.
From my perspective adding the possibility to use the New keyword would be the way to go.
James told me that they never really thought about it ...
Ein wenig Eigenwerbung muss ich auch noch machen. ;)
There actually was a great tip about creating stubs for complex data types in Notes agents though. I've had to do that before, and it's really a pain. What they said could be done is to import the WSDL into a new Notes Web Service design element, and Notes will create the stub classes for you! Then you can just copy and paste the class stubs (either LotusScript or Java, whichever you choose) into your agent or script library.
One other thing you'll be able to walk away with is an open-source Change Management template for Notes! They are going to upload the Change Management application that they discussed in the demo as an OpenNTF project after Lotusphere is over, so you'll be able to download it and customize/use it yourself. Very good.
I just spoke with Chris Stoner and Andre Guirard (both IBM officials ) regarding changing the column headers at runtime.
They said, that this is on their list and they know, that it is a quite important item as this is needed for internationalition, etc.
I got the impression that this is comming in the near future, although they didn’t mention a date or release.
Comment by Martin Leyrer — 26.01.2006 @ 16:36
Reading through some of the slides for the sessions that I didn't get to go to at Lotusphere this year I came across some interesting information about the Out Of Office agent in the next version of Lotus Domino "Next" / Hannover that hasn't been reported in any of the blogs yet.
The new OOO will no longer be an agent but a server-side service. This means that there are a number of new features that I know that a lot of users have been asking for in the past.
The first feature is the 'instant reply'. Because it is a server-side service the OOO is triggered when an email is deposited into the users mailfile. This also allows for failover in a clustered environment if the primary server is down then the mail gets delivered on the secondary server and the OOO is triggered there.
The new OOO will allow for periods of time that are LESS then one day. If your only going to be out of the office for a halfday you will be able to specify this in the OOO profile.
You can select if you want to only send one reply to a sender ( as it is now ) or if you want to reply to all emails from a sender, handy if your out of the office for an extended time and somebody who sent you an email last week has forgotten about your earlier OOO reply.
And finally the new OOO will also disable itself when the time period has expired. No more messages everyday reminding you to turn it off.