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Sonstiges => Offtopic => Thema gestartet von: flaite am 13.10.05 - 10:47:28

Titel: TJGroup Prozess
Beitrag von: flaite am 13.10.05 - 10:47:28

einfach mal um zu zeigen, wie das teilweise mit dem "Neuen Markt" gelaufen ist.
link (http://www.helsinginsanomat.fi/english/article/Prosecutors+seek+over+EUR+150+million+from+TJ+Group+and+its+owners%0D%0A/1101981165269)

The prosecution is offering into evidence an e-mail sent by TJ Group’s director of finance from April 2000, explaining why it was not possible to make the first half of 2000 show a profit. Sahavirta says that the reason was that all possible tricks were used up in the doctoring of the result for the end of 1999.
      Sahavirta quoted from the e-mail message confiscated by police: "The result for December 31st, 1999 was half a million in the red, but it was twisted to break even ... All means have already been used."
      A week later TJ Group issued a profit warning, and the fall in its share prices accelerated.


