Autor Thema: i-notes : HTTP server: HTTP SSL handshake error: Error reading client message  (Gelesen 2234 mal)

Offline ei-notes

  • Frischling
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Hallo Kollegen!

wie ernst muss man diese Nachricht nehmen:

"HTTP server: HTTP SSL handshake error: Error reading client message"

kommt in letzter Zeit gehäuft vor.

Server 5.0.11
IE 6

Dominoversionen: 1 x 4.6
                            25 x 5.0.6a
                              1 x 5.0.10
                              2 x 5.0.11
                              1 x 6.0


ca. 6500 (von 4.5.5 und 5.0.5)

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Hi ei-notes,

das hier habe ich in der Knowledgebase zu dem Thema gefunden :

You notice many PUT errors in the Error Log related to SSL handshakes.

Excerpt from Error Log:

[19:14:12 -0100] [PUT NOT ALLOWED] [host:] SSL Handshake failed
[19:14:34 -0100] [PUT NOT ALLOWED] [host:] SSL Handshake failed
[19:16:24 -0100] [PUT NOT ALLOWED] [host:] SSL Handshake failed
[19:16:25 -0100] [PUT NOT ALLOWED] [host:] SSL Handshake failed
[19:16:30 -0100] [PUT NOT ALLOWED] [host:] SSL Handshake failed
[19:16:34 -0100] Timeout for input expired; client, request =,
[19:16:34 -0100] [PUT NOT ALLOWED] [host:] SSL Handshake failed

You enable additional debug logging and find that the following error messages are output to the server console corresponding to the time of the PUT errors:

HTTP server: HTTP SSL handshake error: Error reading client message
HTTP server: HTTP SSL handshake error: Client closed connection
HTTP server: HTTP SSL handshake error: Unknown

It does not appear to be actual attempts of PUT that cause the error; REQ files show no PUT request at any time during the logging period.  It appears that the PUT error message is a generic error message returned when an unknown operation occurs.

Depending on the Web browser used, in this situation users see error messages such as the following:

"Page cannot be loaded - check URL or try again."

This issue has been reported to Lotus Quality Engineering as an enhancement request to provide more information in the error message.

The "PUT not allowed" message is generated when a totally forbidden action comes into the server or when a dangerous method has been coded.

For example, in one particular case because of communication problems the client-server handshake process did not complete correctly or one of the pointers was out of sync .  In that case, because the server could not be sure of a correct authentication, it returned the PUT message for what it sees as an illegal request.  A more clear message cannot be given as the cause of the problem is not clear.

Supporting Information:

To log what occurs during the SSL handshake, you can add the following lines to the NOTES.INI:


TraceSSLHandshake:  This INI setting is output to the console.  It logs the session between the browser and the server, traces information about the SSL handshake, and reports errors when and if they occur.

ReportSSLHandshakeErrors:  By setting this parameter, if an error occurs in the handshake between the browser and the server that error is output to the console and the log.

These parameters can be set independently of each other, but it is recommended that they be used together.  Use both of the above parameters to get the reported errors along with the transaction between the browser and server.

You can also enable REQ logging by typing "tell http debug thread on" at the server console.

"Zwei Dinge sind zu unserer Arbeit nötig: Unermüdliche Ausdauer und die Bereitschaft, etwas, in das man viel Zeit und Arbeit gesteckt hat, wieder wegzuwerfen."
Albert Einstein

Offline ei-notes

  • Frischling
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  • Beiträge: 45
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  • Ich liebe dieses Forum!
Danke für deine Antwort!

genau das habe ich auch schon gefunden, die notes.ini-Parameter sind gesetzt.

mehr weiß ich jetzt aber auch nicht.  ???
Dominoversionen: 1 x 4.6
                            25 x 5.0.6a
                              1 x 5.0.10
                              2 x 5.0.11
                              1 x 6.0


ca. 6500 (von 4.5.5 und 5.0.5)

Offline Meff

  • Freund des Hauses!
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  • Geschlecht: Männlich
  • Das Denken der Zukunft muß Kriege unmöglich machen
    • apparet id etiam caeco
Ist doch ein schöne Erklärung seitens IBM :

This issue has been reported to Lotus Quality Engineering as an enhancement request to provide more information in the error message.

Meff  ;D
"Zwei Dinge sind zu unserer Arbeit nötig: Unermüdliche Ausdauer und die Bereitschaft, etwas, in das man viel Zeit und Arbeit gesteckt hat, wieder wegzuwerfen."
Albert Einstein


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