yoo, kannich:
Your Domino R5.x server crashes with the following error:
PANIC: Logging SubSystem Failure
The following entries may be seen at the server console:
Unexpected internal error returned to logger: 0x20762010
Logger Failure: Func=hlgForceLog RC=0x00002010 File=rm\rmlogger.cpp:594
Error from LogForce after Transaction Commit: Recovery Manager: Error from Logging Subsystem.
The crash was the result of the transaction logs being located on a partition which does not have the disk I/O to support the total operations of all workload on the system. In the case of Windows OS. Disk is not virtualized, therefore Transaction logs should not be placed on the same drive letter as the data directory. Doing so would likely exceed the disk i/o limitations of the single disk. On systems which support disk virtualization, such as iSeries or zSeries, this is not an issue, The data structures such as /notes/data and /notes/data/translogs would not be on the same disk. The data would be scattered across all disks in the subsystem to balance i/o.
Moving the transaction log to a dedicated physical drive should resolve the crash.
The NOTES.INI TRANSLOG_Path will indicate where the log is written to. Verify that the path is a dedicated physical drive and that no other files exist on the drive other than the transactional log.