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What does the following error message mean and why does it occur?
"SchedMgr: Error processing calendar profile document (NoteID: NT0000xxxx) in database filename.nsf: Can't find $BusyName field on profile"
The error is caused when a reservation or resource is deleted from the Resource Reservations database or when the Purge Documents agent runs. At 2:00 AM, the Schedule Manager task runs to validate the Busytime.nsf file. When a reservation or room is deleted, an additional $BusyName field with the associated NoteID is created without a value for the $BusyName.
This issue has been reported to Lotus Quality Engineering. This issue does not occur in the Calendaring & Scheduling feature of Notes 6.0 Client and Domino 6.0 Server.
Supporting Information:
A change to the common script library the code of the CSGetMailFileOwner object needs to be made. Open your Resource.nsf database in Domino R5 Designer, then click on Script Libraries. Next open Common, then select CSGetMailFileOwners, and you will see the script to edit.
Change the code from this:
Function CSGetMailFileOwner() As String
Dim session As New notessession
Dim profile As notesdocument
Dim strOwner As String
Set profile = session.currentdatabase.getprofiledocument("CalendarProfile")
strOwner = profile.GetItemValue("Owner")(0)
if Len(strOwner) Then
CSGetMailFileOwner = strOwner
CSGetMailFileOwner = session.UserName
End Function
To this:
Function CSGetMailFileOwner() As String
Dim session As New notessession
CSGetMailFileOwner = session.UserName
End Function
Note: Afer making this code change, the error will cease only after new reservations/resources are deleted. lt will not affect previous reservations/resources that were deleted. To remove old calendar profiles with a blank $Busyname the following agent can be run.
Sub Initialize
Dim s As New notessession
Dim db As notesdatabase
Dim col As notesdocumentcollection
Dim pdoc As notesdocument
Set db=s.currentdatabase
Set col=db.getprofiledoccollection("CalendarProfile")
Set pdoc=col.getfirstdocument
While Not pdoc Is Nothing
If Not pdoc.hasitem("$busyname") Then
Set nextdoc=col.getnextdocument(pdoc)
Call pdoc.remove(True)
Set pdoc=nextdoc
Set pdoc=col.getnextdocument(pdoc)
End If
End Sub
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