Hallo Leute!
Nachdem meine Suche hier erfolglos war und ich auf Notes.net fündig geworden bin, wollte ich euch dieses feine Tool zum sortieren einer Collection nicht vorenthalten.
(Falls jemand mal hier dasselbe sucht)
http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/46dom.nsf/55c38d716d632d9b8525689b005ba1c0/601d977ec574069b85256ae100266909?OpenDocumentA Notes Document Collection is not sorted and the class does not include a method for this. When you need this functionality just add the following to you script:
Use "MyScriptTools"
Sub Initialize
Dim array As Variant
array = SortDocumentCollection( dcol, "fieldName" )
"MyScriptTools" refers to a Script Library. Here you just copy the code I give you at the end. The "array" will contain all the documents included in your Document Collection (dcol) but shorted by the content of their field "fieldName". Where ever you are in the database by adding the three lines the relevant document collection can be sorted by the field you specify.
Let me show you an agent ("Show selected Sdocuments in alphabetic order") illustrating this:
Option Public
Option Declare
Use "MyScriptTools"
Sub Initialize
Dim uiws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim uiview As NotesUIView
Dim message As String
Dim dcol As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim array As Variant
Set uiview = uiws.CurrentView
Set dcol = uiview.Documents
If dcol.count <> 0 Then
array = SortDocumentCollection( dcol, "f_VENname" )
message = "Selected documents sorted in alphabetic order" & Chr(13)_
& "by their value in the field 'f_VENname': " & Chr(13) & Chr(13)
Forall doc In array
message = message & " " & doc.f_VENname(0) & Chr(13)
End Forall
Msgbox message
Msgbox "No document has been selected."
End If
End Sub
Below is the script you place in the script library "MyScriptTools"
Function DocCollectionToArray( dcol As NotesDocumentCollection ) As Variant
'Puts all documents in a collection into an array
'Used in SortDocumentCollection
'STM 2001-10-05
Dim array As Variant
Dim doc as NotesDocument
Dim i as Integer
Dim k As Long
k = dcol.Count
If k<>0 Then
Redim array( 1 To k) As NotesDocument
Set doc = dcol.GetFirstDocument
For i=1 To k
Set array(i) = doc
Set doc = dcol.GetNextDocument(doc)
DocCollectionToArray = array
End If
End Function
Function SwapInArray( array As Variant, i As Integer, j As Integer ) As Variant
'Swaps two elements in an array
'Used in SortDocumentCollection / QuickSort
'STM 2001-10-05
Dim temp As Variant
Set temp = array( i )
Set array( i ) = array( j )
Set array( j ) = temp
SwapInArray = array
End Function
Function QuickSort (array As Variant, fieldName As String, leftpos As Integer, rightpos As Integer) As Variant
'Sub function in SortDocumentCollection
'STM 2001-10-05
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim pivot As String
If ( leftpos < rightpos ) Then
i = leftpos
j = rightpos + 1
pivot = Ucase( array(leftpos).GetFirstItem(fieldName).Text )
i = i + 1
Loop While Ucase( array(i).GetFirstItem(fieldName).Text ) < pivot And i <= rightpos
j = j - 1
Loop While Ucase( array(j).GetFirstItem(fieldName).Text ) > pivot And j >= leftpos
If ( i < j ) Then
array = SwapInArray( array, i, j )
End If
Loop While ( i < j )
array = SwapInArray( array, leftpos, j )
Call QuickSort( array, fieldName, leftpos, j - 1 )
Call QuickSort( array, fieldName, j + 1, rightpos )
End If
QuickSort = array
End Function
Function SortDocumentCollection( dcol As NotesDocumentCollection, fieldName As String) As Variant
'Sort documents in a collection in alphabetic order by the field specified
'STM 2001-10-05
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Dim array As Variant
Dim k As Integer
k = dcol.count
If k <> 0 Then
Redim array( 1 To k )
array = docCollectionToArray( dcol )
'Need to add a value at the end that will always be greater than all - language dependent
Redim Preserve array( 1 To k+1 )
Set array( k+1) = db.CreateDocument
Call array( k+1).ReplaceItemValue( fieldName, "ÅÅÅÅÅÅÅ" )
array = QuickSort( array, fieldName, Lbound(array), Ubound(array) - 1 )
Redim Preserve array( 1 To k )
SortDocumentCollection = array
SortDocumentCollection = ""
End If
End Function