jaja aber ich bin ehh am Ende (kaum geschlafen, kaffee hilft auch nicht mehr, und kippen gehen zur neige)..ich les mir das mal in ruhe durch... (ich find es nur in der hilfe blöd das auch in den englischen sachen immer wieder deutsch auftauch (Das verwirrt) )
So aber das Problem ist gelöst:
folgendes gemacht:
(fürs suchranking: SchedMgr , BusyName , $BusyName )
1. betreffende Datenbank (name im log) öffnen
2. Erstellen Agent (gültig für alle Dokumente)
3. Folgendes LS eintragen
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim docDelete As NotesDocument
Dim ProfileCollection As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim x As Integer
Dim xDelete As Integer
Dim unidJB As String
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
If db.CurrentAccessLevel <> Acllevel_manager Then
Messagebox "You must have manager access to use this program",16,"Access Error"
Exit Sub
End If
Set profileCollection = db.GetProfileDocCollection("CalendarProfile")
If profileCollection.Count = 0 Then
Messagebox "Unable to Find any CalendarProfile Documents in the Database.",64,"Found Nothing"
Exit Sub
End If
Set doc = profileCollection.GetFirstDocument
xDelete = 0
x = profileCollection.count
Do While Not (doc Is Nothing)
If Not doc.HasItem("$BusyName") Then
xDelete = xDelete + 1
unidJB = doc.Universalid
Set doc = Nothing
Set docDelete = db.GetDocumentByUNID(unidJB)
Call docDelete.Remove(True)
Set profileCollection = db.GetProfileDocCollection("CalendarProfile")
Set doc = profileCollection.GetFirstDocument
Set doc = profileCollection.GetNextDocument(doc)
End If
Messagebox "Found " & Cstr(x) & " CalendarProfile Documents in the Database." & Chr(13) & Chr(10) &_
"Deleted " & Cstr(xDelete) & " of them that did not have the $BusyName field.",64,"Done"
4. Agent ausführen
5. fertig