Ein Versuch ist es wert:
Workaround #3:
This problem can be resolved without making changes to documents in the server's Domino Directory.
A Holiday Profile document is created in the mail file by the Import Holidays code. This document tells the code not to import these holidays again (since they already should be in the mail file). When the documents are deleted manually or by archiving, the Holiday Profile document is not updated with that information. To correct the issue, send a button to the user with the following LotusScript to delete the Holiday Profile document:
Dim session As New notessession
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Set doc = session.CurrentDatabase.GetProfileDocument("holidayprofile")
Call doc.remove(True)
When the Import Holidays code is run again, it will add all of the selected holidays from the server.
Note: It is important with this workaround to go through the Meetings view and make sure that all of the holidays are truly deleted to avoid any duplicate holidays from being added.