die Mails gehen nicht raus. Unter Server-Tasks steht: Router idle
Sie bleiben im Mailbox hängen mit der Fehlermeldung:
From: Sezgin Uestuendag/fh-lu
Recipients: <uestuendag@gmx.net>
Subject: tetst
Date: 11:58:58 Heute
Failure Report
Failure Reason: -- Check in Progress --
What should you do?
This message has been marked held by the mail router because it could not be delivered to the recipient(s) indicated above. No further processing of this message will occur while it remains in this routing state. Administrators may choose to delete this message or release it. The "Edit Message" button can be used to modify an address prior to releasing the message.
Releasing a held message will cause the router to reattempt message delivery or transfer. The cause for the failure, as indicated by the failure reason, should be addressed prior to releasing this message. If subsequent delivery attempt fails, the message will return to a held state unless released for a final time. When a message is released for a final time, a Non Delivery Report will be returned to the sender upon failure.