Autor Thema: Gute Funktionssammlung  (Gelesen 2936 mal)

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Gute Funktionssammlung
« am: 30.03.03 - 03:30:56 »
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'Functions contained within this .bas file:
'  // Add
'  AddToAnyArray                    ' Adds the data at the nth position.
'  AddToLongArray                   ' Adds the long at the nth position.
'  AddToStringArray                 ' Adds the string at the nth position.
'  AddToSortedAnyArray              ' Adds the data in a sorted array, keeping the array sorted.
'  AddToSortedLongArray             ' Adds the long in a sorted long array, keeping the array sorted.
'  AddToSortedStringArray           ' Adds the string in a sorted string array, keeping the array sorted.
'  AddToIndexedAnyArray             ' Adds the data at the end of the array, keeping the index array sorted.
'  AddToIndexedLongArray            ' Adds the long at the end of the long array, keeping the index array sorted.
'  AddToIndexedStringArray          ' Adds the string at the end of the string array, keeping the index array sorted.

'  // Remove (if one item, array gets erased)
'  RemoveFromAnyArray               ' Removes the nth entry.
'  RemoveFromLongArray              ' Removes the nth long.
'  RemoveFromStringArray            ' Removes the nth string.
'  RemoveFromIndexedAnyArray        ' Removes the nth entry (either array or index), keeping the index array sorted.
'  RemoveFromIndexedLongArray       ' Removes the nth long (either array or index), keeping the index array sorted.
'  RemoveFromIndexedStringArray     ' Removes the nth string (either array or index), keeping the index array sorted.

'  // Hash
'  BuildHashTable                   ' Builds a hash array using sent string array.
'  HashSearch                       ' Returns the position of the searched string on an unsorted string array, using an hash array.

'  // Search (-1 = ERROR_NOT_FOUND)
'  BinarySearchAny                  ' Returns the position of the searched data onto a sorted (ascending) array.
'  BinarySearchLong                 ' Returns the position of the searched long onto a sorted (ascending) long array.
'  BinarySearchString               ' Returns the position of the searched string onto a sorted (ascending) string array.
'  IndexedBinarySearchAny           ' Returns the position of the searched data in an array using a sorted (ascending) index.
'  IndexedBinarySearchLong   (slow) ' Returns the position of the searched long in an array using a sorted (ascending) index.
'  IndexedBinarySearchString        ' Returns the position of the searched string in an array using a sorted (ascending) index.
'  SequentialSearchAnyArray         ' Returns the position of the searched data onto an array.
'  SequentialSearchLongArray        ' Returns the position of the searched long onto a long array.
'  SequentialSearchStringArray      ' Returns the position of the searched string onto a string array.
'  isInAnyArray                     ' Determines if data is in array using a sequential search.
'  isInLongArray                    ' Determines if long is in long array using a sequential search.
'  isInStringArray                  ' Determines if string is in string array using a sequential search.

'  // Sort
'     // < 50 -> ShellSort          ' Efficiency recommandation
'     // >=50 -> TriQuickSort
'  ShellSortAny                     ' Sorts the array.
'  ShellSortLong                    ' Sorts the long array.
'  ShellSortString                  ' Sorts the string array.
'  TriQuickSortAny                  ' Sorts the array.         // TriQuickSort stands for 3-median quicksort algorithm.
'  TriQuickSortLong                 ' Sorts the long array.    // The TriQuickSort algorithm combines with InsertionSort algorithm
'  TriQuickSortString               ' Sorts the string array.  // when the distance gets below 5, which speeds things A LOT (over 40%).
'  IndexedShellSortAny              ' Sorts the index using sent array.
'  IndexedShellSortLong      (slow) ' Sorts the index using sent long array.
'  IndexedShellSortString           ' Sorts the index using sent string array.
'  IndexedTriQuickSortAny           ' Sorts the index using sent array.
'  IndexedTriQuickSortLong   (slow) ' Sorts the index using sent long array.
'  IndexedTriQuickSortString        ' Sorts the index using sent string array.
'  isSortedAnyArray                 ' Determines if the array is sorted.
'  isSortedLongArray                ' Determines if the long array is sorted.
'  isSortedStringArray              ' Determines if the string array is sorted.
'  isSortedIndexedAnyArray          ' Determines if the index is sorted.
'  isSortedIndexedLongArray         ' Determines if the index is sorted.
'  isSortedIndexedStringArray       ' Determines if the index is sorted.

'  // Synchronisation
'  SynchroniseIndexedAnyArray       ' Sorts the array using its index (to get an ascending index).
'  SynchroniseIndexedLongArray      ' Sorts the long array using its index (to get an ascending index).
'  SynchroniseIndexedStringArray    ' Sorts the string array using its index (to get an ascending index).

'  // Copy/Move
'  CopyAnyArray                     ' Copies an array.
'  CopyLongArray                    ' Copies a long array.
'  CopyStringArray                  ' Copies a string array.
'  MoveAnyArray                     ' Moves an array. Source array will be erased (VB function 'Erase').
'  MoveLongArray                    ' Moves a long array. Source array will be erased (VB function 'Erase').
'  MoveStringArray                  ' Moves a string array. Source array will be erased (VB function 'Erase').
'  MergeAnyArray                    ' Merges (combine) 2 arrays. Source array will be erased (VB function 'Erase').
'  MergeLongArray                   ' Merges (combine) 2 long arrays. Source array will be erased (VB function 'Erase').
'  MergeStringArray                 ' Merges (combine) 2 string arrays. Source array will be erased (VB function 'Erase').

'  // Save/Load
'  SaveLongArray                    ' Dumps a long array in a string.
'  SaveStringArray                  ' Dumps a string array in a string.
'  LoadLongArray                    ' Rebuilds a long array from a string dump.
'  LoadStringArray                  ' Rebuilds a string array from a string dump.

'  // Others
'  CreateArray                      ' Returns an array of the type of the first sent argument.
'  DebugDumpArray                   ' MsgBox an array. Use for debugging.
'  ReverseAnyArray                  ' Reverses (inverts) an array.
'  ReverseLongArray                 ' Reverses (inverts) a long array.
'  ReverseStringArray               ' Reverses (inverts) a string array.
Vielleicht verdirbt Geld wirklich den Charakter.
Auf keinen Fall aber macht Mangel an Geld ihn besser.
(John Steinbeck)

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