Autor Thema: ein Lite R5 Client ???  (Gelesen 1183 mal)

Offline Rob Green

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ein Lite R5 Client ???
« am: 27.03.03 - 11:51:03 »

Beginning with the April 2003 Knowledge Base CD, the new Lotus Software Knowledge Base will come on one CD rather than the current two-CD set. The new database will contain a streamlined number of views to allow for more content in a smaller file size. The views will be indexed with an R5 view index, and the CD will contain a lite R5 client for those customers not using Notes R5. Customers that currently replicate Knowledge Base can wait to perform the initial replication of the new Lotus Software Knowledge Base from the April 2003 CD if they so choose, or they call pull the new replica from their Lotus server when it becomes available in late February.

Wat meinen die damit..."lite"...INotes..DOLS...???
Vielleicht verdirbt Geld wirklich den Charakter.
Auf keinen Fall aber macht Mangel an Geld ihn besser.
(John Steinbeck)

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