Hi taheri,
hier die Übersicht der möglichen Parameter :
Parameters for Updall
Parameter Description: What to type at Server console:
-V Update views. The database name is optional. Load UPDALL MyDB -V
-F Update all full text indexes. Load UPDALL MyDB -F
-L Update all full text indexes defined by Index Update Frequencyas 'Daily', 'Hourly', or 'Immediate'. Load UPDALL -L
-M Update all full text indexes defined by Index Update Frequencyas 'Hourly' or 'Immediate'. Load UPDALL -M
-H Update all full text indexes defined by Index Update Frequencyas 'Immediate'. Load UPDALL -H
-C Build indexes for views that haven't already been built. The database must be specified. Load UPDALL MyDB -C
-T Update a particular view, by Title. The database and entire view title must be specified.
* This is an undocumented parameter --
(If a view title is cascaded, the value returned by @viewtitle will not work as an argument. In general, Notes @ commands have problems with view names that are cascaded with synonyms.) Load UPDALL MyDB -T ($ServerAccess) -R
-R Force rebuild of every view that has been opened. The database name is optional. This is a resource-intensive option. When running on a large database, it is best to bring the server down, and run UPDALL from the OS/2 prompt (C:\$UPDALL Names -R).
* This is an undocumented parameter Load UPDALL MyDB -R
-X Rebuild Full-text indexes and does not rebuild views. Load UPDALL MyDB -X