Toma, the Notes Help is quiet good...its worth a look

Saves any changes you have made to a document.
Defined in
flag = notesDocument.Save( force, createResponse [ , markRead ])
Boolean. If True, the document is saved even if someone else edits and saves the document while the script is running. The last version of the document that was saved wins; the earlier version is discarded.
If False, and someone else edits the document while the script is running, the createResponse argument determines what happens.
Boolean. If True, the current document becomes a response to the original document (this is what the replicator does when there's a replication conflict). If False, the save is canceled. If the force parameter is True, the createResponse parameter has no effect.
Boolean. If True, the document is marked as read. If False (default), the document is not marked as read.