/* DesignReplace - Redesign a notefile from a template
* This replaces ONLY the notes that exist in the design collection,
* that is, Forms, Views, Fields, and Filters.
* Note that this subroutine also refreshes the database class, etc.
* Inputs:
* hSrcDB - DB handle of template file
* hDstDB - DB handle of destination file
* fForce - Operation should always be done, even if destination is "up to date"
* Outputs:
* Return value - error status.
STATUS far PASCAL DesignReplace(
DBHANDLE hTemplate,
BOOL fPropagateSrcClass,
BOOL fForce,
/* DesignReplaceExtended - Redesign a notefile from a template
* This replaces ONLY the notes that exist in the design collection,
* that is, Forms, Views, Fields, and Filters.
* Note that this subroutine also refreshes the database class, etc.
* Inputs:
* hSrcDB - DB handle of template file
* hDstDB - DB handle of destination file
* fForce - Operation should always be done, even if destination is "up to date"
* fPreserveFolders - allows folders without the preserve bit set to be retained
* if TRUE. This was added to v4.53 and 4.61 to prevent new folders
* from being blown away in a mail conversion where the mail
* file was created without the "Inherit from design" checkbox
* checked. Existing callers of DesignReplace are unaffected.
* pLangList - List of languages. When the template is a multilingual and this argument
* is specified, design notes in the template which have a language tag not
* in the list are excluded.
* Outputs:
* Return value - error status.
STATUS far PASCAL DesignReplaceExtended(DBHANDLE hTemplate,
BOOL fPropagateSrcClass,
BOOL fForce,
BOOL fPreserveNewElements,
LIST *pLangList,
BOOL fRestoreAgentCode,
BOOL fHideWhenDone,
BOOL AllowDupes);