Hi Gero,
hab ich in der Knowledge Base gefunden :
Using the Calendaring & Scheduling feature of Notes R5 Client and Domino R5 Server, a customer opens an existing To Do and selects the 'Request Information' action button. A dialog box appears which states the following:
"A message will be sent to the owner of this request."
The customer clicks OK to this message and the following LotusScript error message appears:
"Error accessing product object method"
The customer has recently upgraded their mail file from a Notes 4.6x release to Notes 5.0.3. The To Do which is causing this error was created when the mail file was a 4.6x design (prior to the mail file upgrade to R5).
This same "Error accessing product object method" error occurs when other calendar entry types (such as an appointment, meeting, reminder, etc.) are created, then Save is selected.
The only workaround is to re-create all preexisting calendar entries after upgrading to R5.0.3.
This issue has been reported to Lotus Quality Engineering.
Supporting Information:
Steps To Reproduce Problem:
1. UserA has a Notes 4.6.6 Client and the mail file uses a 4.6.6 mail file design.
2. UserA sends a To Do task to UserB, who has the same 4.6.6 setup.
3. UserA upgrades the Notes Client and mail file to R5.0.3.
4. UserA opens the existing To Do task that was created in Step 2 under 4.6.6 and clicks the 'Request Information' button, which is a new feature as of R5.0. A dialog box appears which states the following: "A message will be sent to the owner of this request."
5. UserA selects OK and the error message, "Error accessing product object method" occurs.
Note: If a "4.6x To Do" is sent to a user that is already using a R5.x mail file design, then the problem does not occur. This issue relates only to To Do's that were in the mail file prior to the upgrade from 4.6x to 5.x.
Passt das zu Deinem Fehler
