Autor Thema: Silent Deployment Notes 10  (Gelesen 2311 mal)

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Silent Deployment Notes 10
« am: 13.12.18 - 15:47:31 »
I would like to deploy Notes 10 silently to our clients. The only thing I would like to change from default is that I want to deploy it without Sametime (we use Cisco Jabber) and also without Single Logon Service (We use Notes Shared Login). I'd like to do it as easy as possible, preferably with exe parameters but I can't find any working parameters for this case.
Any ideas?
Irgendwelche Tipps? :)

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Re: Silent Deployment Notes 10
« Antwort #1 am: 13.12.18 - 15:56:30 »
As the installer did not change (as far as I know) the documentation from 8.5 and 9 should still be valid.

Start with this link for further information.
Torsten (Tode)

P.S.: Da mein Nickname immer mal wieder für Verwirrung sorgt: Tode hat NICHTS mit Tod zu tun. So klingt es einfach, wenn ein 2- Jähriger versucht "Torsten" zu sagen... das klingt dann so: "Tooode" (langes O, das r, s und n werden verschluckt, das t wird zum badischen d)


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