Autor Thema: Xpages extended richt text Feld  (Gelesen 2686 mal)

Offline HeLotes

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Xpages extended richt text Feld
« am: 17.10.18 - 15:16:32 »

ich habe versucht mit Hilfe von diesem Video eine erweitertes Richtextfeld in eine Xpage einzubauen.

Aber leider bekomme ich in diesem Teil des Codes an Zeile 3 unten den unten angehängten Fehler.

Diese Evolution.nsf von habe ich auch auf meinen Rechner herunter geladen. Wenn ich diese Datenbank im Designer öffne, dann bekomme ich keinen Fehler.

<xp:div themeId="container" style="width:900px">
      <xp:div id="container1">
         <evo:inputRichText id="inputRichText1"

Description   Resource   Path   Location   Type
The unknown namespace tag evo:inputRichText cannot be used as a control, as the namespace is not known.   extendedRTE.xsp   evaldbTEST.nsf/XPages   line 121   XPages Problem

Wiese ist dieser Namespace nicht bekannt?


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Offline HeLotes

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Re: Xpages extended richt text Feld
« Antwort #2 am: 17.10.18 - 16:52:57 »
Danke, das war es.
Nur jetzt bekomme ich diesen Fehler.

The runtime has encountered an unexpected error.
Error source
Page Name:/xpProject.xsp
Control Id: _id3

Error while executing JavaScript computed expression
Script interpreter error, line=1, col=9: [ReferenceError] 'rteBean' not found

JavaScript code

   1: rteBean.getDatabasePath()

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="" xmlns:evo=""
   xmlns:xe="" pageTitle="Evolution">
               .xsp-inline-attachment{padding:2px 2px 2px 18px;}
               .image-jpeg, .image-pjeg, .image-jpg, .image-x-png, .image-gif, .image-bmp {
                  background:url("./iconImage.gif") no-repeat scroll left center transparent;
               .application-pdf {
                  background:url("./iconPDF.gif") no-repeat scroll left center transparent;
               .application-octet-stream, .text-plain {
                  background:url("./iconFile.gif") no-repeat scroll left center transparent;
               .application-msword {
                  background:url("./iconWord.gif") no-repeat scroll left center transparent;
               .application-vnd-ms-excel, .application-vnd-openxmlformats-officedocument-spreadsheetml-sheet {
                  background:url("./iconFile.gif") no-repeat scroll left center transparent;
               .application-vnd-ms-powerpoint {
                  background:url("./iconPPT.gif") no-repeat scroll left center transparent;
      <xp:dominoDocument var="document1" formName="myForm"
      <xp:script clientSide="true" type="text/javascript">
               // intercept nsf resource requests to stop ?t=timestamp being appended by ckeditor
               // see:
               window.CKEDITOR_GETURL = function(resourceRequest){
                  if(null != resourceRequest && resourceRequest.indexOf(".nsf") > -1){
                     return resourceRequest;
               AttachmentHandler = function(editor){
                  return new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand("AttachmentDialog");
               ImageHandler = function(editor){
                  return new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand("ImageDialog");
                     CKEDITOR.plugins.add("AttachmentExtension", {
                        init: function(editor){
                           editor.on("pluginsLoaded", function(ev){
                                 CKEDITOR.dialog.add("AttachmentDialog", " ${javascript:rteBean.getDatabasePath()} ".trim() + "AttachmentDialog.js");
                              editor.ui.addButton("Attachment", {
                                 label: "Attach a file...",
                                 command: "AttachmentHandler",
                                 icon: " ${javascript:rteBean.getDatabasePath()} ".trim() + "iconAttachment.png"
                              editor.addCommand("AttachmentHandler", AttachmentHandler(editor));
                     CKEDITOR.plugins.add("ImageExtension", {
                        init: function(editor){
                           editor.on("pluginsLoaded", function(ev){
                                 CKEDITOR.dialog.add("ImageDialog", " ${javascript:rteBean.getDatabasePath()} ".trim() + "ImageDialog.js");
                              editor.ui.addButton("ImageEx", {
                                 label: "Embed an image...",
                                 command: "ImageHandler",
                                 icon: " ${javascript:rteBean.getDatabasePath()} ".trim() + "iconImage.gif"
                              editor.addCommand("ImageHandler", ImageHandler(editor));
   <xp:scriptBlock id="scriptBlock3" defer="false">
                  // set the component instance's upload url...
                  // add RTE id's to this list as required so each instance has it's
                  // own unique upload url targetted at it's inputRichText component...
                  var instanceIds = [ "#{id:inputRichText1}", "#{id:inputRichText2}" ];
                  for(var x = 0; x < instanceIds.length; x++){
                     var url = document.location.href.substring(0, document.location.href.indexOf('?'));
                     if(null != url){
                        url += "?$$axtarget=" + instanceIds
  • +

                           "&$$viewid=" + XSP.findForm(instanceIds
  • )["$$viewid"].value;

  • ].config.axtargetUrl = url;

   <xp:div themeId="container" style="width:900px">
      <xp:div id="container1">
         <evo:inputRichText id="inputRichText1"
               <xp:dojoAttribute name="extraPlugins"
               <xp:dojoAttribute name="toolbar">
                         var customToolbar = "[\n" +
                            "['Font', 'FontSize', 'Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'Strike', 'TextColor', 'BGColor'],\n" +
                           "['JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', 'JustifyRight', 'JustifyBlock', 'NumberedList', 'BulletedList', 'Outdent', 'Indent'],\n" +
                           "['Attachment', 'ImageEx', 'Table', 'Link', 'Smiley'],\n" +
                           "['MenuPaste', 'Find', 'Maximize', 'Source']\n" +
                         return customToolbar;
         <xp:fileDownload rows="30" id="fileDownload1"
            displayLastModified="false" value="#{document1.Body1}" allowDelete="true">


Offline HeLotes

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  • Beiträge: 56
Re: Xpages extended richt text Feld
« Antwort #3 am: 18.10.18 - 09:26:39 »
habe den Fehler gefunden

im Package Explorer in WEB-INF war faces-config.xml noch nicht vollständig


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