Autor Thema: LEI Fehlermeldung  (Gelesen 1446 mal)

Offline Madmission

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LEI Fehlermeldung
« am: 13.02.03 - 11:34:00 »
Hi an alle!!!

Ich habe eine Fehlermeldung im LEI Tool wer kann mir helfen ich komme nicht weiter

Error: Cannot collate using unsortable datatype,  Method -Select-  (769)

Gruss Madmission
« Letzte Änderung: 13.02.03 - 11:35:13 von Madmission »

Offline Oberon

  • Frischling
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Re:LEI Fehlermeldung
« Antwort #1 am: 13.02.03 - 11:49:45 »

schau mal auf die IBM Seite für Notesunterstützung. Du findest dort folgenden Artikel - Grüße Max

Number:  177854

It has been found that a Replication Activity with a Notes database as a master, which worked normally in NotesPump 2.5a, terminates with one of the following errors after upgrading to LEI 3.0 or 3.0.1:

"Error: Cannot collate using unsortable datatype, Connector 'Source', Method -Select- (769)"


"Error: Entry not found in index, Connector 'Source', Method -Select- (1028)"

These errors can also be encountered after installing a Domino for AS/400 QMR or QMU that contains an updates to DECS, when running LEI for AS/400.

This issue was reported to Lotus Quality Engineering and has been addressed in LEI 3.1 and in LEI for AS/400 QMU 3.01.03.

NOTE: If this issue occurs with LEI for AS/400 3.1a, then refer to the document titled "LEI for AS/400: Upgrade of Domino Server Causes Unpredictable LEI Behavior" (#: 180097  ) for resolution.

Supporting Information

Related Documents
LEI for AS/400: Upgrade of Domino Server Causes Unpredictable LEI Behavior
Document #: 180097  


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