Ich hatte das hier gefunden.
When sending messages from a mail-in database in Lotus Domino®, the From and/or Reply To Internet address is not always what you expect.
Domino populates the Reply To address in an outgoing message depending on the presence of several fields (From, iNetFrom, Principal, $iNetPrincipal)
in the message. Each field corresponds to specific information available to Notes:
From--> name on the Lotus Notes® ID being used.
iNetFrom--> address specified in the Internet Address field in the Location Document being used.
Principal--> name populated in the Mail File Owner field of the database being used.
When the From field is equal to the Principal field:
Domino will use iNetFrom. If no iNetFrom field is present, it will use the Global Domain Document, Configuration Document,
and Person Document settings to create the appropriate address.
http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21238451Mail aus eigener Mailbox:
From: CN=Max Muster/O=Firma/C=DE
INetFrom: Mailadresse aus Arbeitsumgebung
Principal: Eingetragener Besitzer der Mail DB im CN= Stil.
$INetPrincipal: Mailadresse aus dem Adressbuch?
Mail aus Teampostfach:
From: Eingetragene Mail Adresse (Beispiel@Firma.de)
INetFrom: Fehlt
Principal: Name der Teammailbox
$INetPrincipal Eingetragene Mail Adresse (Beispiel@Firma.de)