Ich möchte zum Senden von (Fehler-)Mails eines Test-Servers (R9.0.1 FP5) Googlemail verwenden, d.h. Mails sollen via SMTP an den Provider gehen (der sich dann hoffentlich um den Rest kümmert

Eine E·Mail an eine (meine) externe Adresse liegt in der mail.box und im Log steht:
24.04.2016 14:32:00 Router: No messages transferred to SMTP.GOOGLEMAIL.COM (host googlemail-smtp.l.google.com) via SMTP: SMTP Protocol Returned a Permanent Error
24.04.2016 14:32:00 Router: Failed to connect to SMTP host SMTP.GOOGLEMAIL.COM because SMTP Protocol Returned a Permanent Error Ich habe daraufhin das SMTP-Logging erhöht und erhalte folgendes:
24.04.2016 14:32:00 [0AEC:000E-063C] SMTPClient: Attempting to Connect: Host googlemail-smtp.l.google.com, Port 465, SSL Port 0, Connecting Domain
24.04.2016 14:32:00 [0AEC:000E-063C] SMTPClient: Connection successful
24.04.2016 14:32:00 [0AEC:000E-063C] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 220 smtp.googlemail.com ESMTP n3sm20102817wja.6 - gsmtp
24.04.2016 14:32:00 [0AEC:000E-063C] SMTPClient: CommandEHLO: EHLO
24.04.2016 14:32:00 [0AEC:000E-063C] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 501-5.5.4 Empty HELO/EHLO argument not allowed, closing connection.
24.04.2016 14:32:00 [0AEC:000E-063C] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 501 5.5.4 https://support.google.com/mail/?p=helo n3sm20102817wja.6 - gsmtp
24.04.2016 14:32:00 [0AEC:000E-063C] SMTPClient: CommandHELO: HELO
24.04.2016 14:32:00 [0AEC:000E-063C] SMTPClient: Attempting to Disconnect:
24.04.2016 14:32:00 [0AEC:000E-063C] SMTPClient: CommandQUIT:
24.04.2016 14:32:00 [0AEC:000E-063C] SMTPClient: Connection terminated with status: 2562
24.04.2016 14:32:00 [0AEC:000E-063C] SMTPClient: Attempting to Connect: Host googlemail-smtp.l.google.com, Port 465, SSL Port 0, Connecting Domain
24.04.2016 14:32:00 [0AEC:000E-063C] SMTPClient: Connection successful
24.04.2016 14:32:00 [0AEC:000E-063C] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 220 smtp.googlemail.com ESMTP r123sm15290501wmg.20 - gsmtp
24.04.2016 14:32:00 [0AEC:000E-063C] SMTPClient: CommandHELO: HELO
24.04.2016 14:32:00 [0AEC:000E-063C] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 501-5.5.4 Empty HELO/EHLO argument not allowed, closing connection.
24.04.2016 14:32:00 [0AEC:000E-063C] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 501 5.5.4 https://support.google.com/mail/?p=helo r123sm15290501wmg.20 - gsmtp
24.04.2016 14:32:00 [0AEC:000E-063C] SMTPClient: Attempting to Disconnect:
24.04.2016 14:32:00 [0AEC:000E-063C] SMTPClient: CommandQUIT:
24.04.2016 14:32:00 [0AEC:000E-063C] SMTPClient: Connection terminated with status: 2562
24.04.2016 14:32:00 Router: No messages transferred to SMTP.GOOGLEMAIL.COM (host googlemail-smtp.l.google.com) via SMTP: SMTP Protocol Returned a Permanent Error
Die Meldung "Empty HELO/EHLO argument not allowed, closing connection" sieht ja nach dem Problem, was auch der gelieferte Support-Link im Log erklärt. Aber wie bringe ich Domino bei das fehlende Argument zu liefern (ist wohl nochmal die Serveradresse)?