schau Dir bitte folgende Links dazu an, da ich nicht so ganz weiß, was Du nun wirklich möchtest statt einem simplen Struktogramm:
UML (Unified Modeling Language) = eine Methodik zur ~"Abbildung von Software" vielen Diagrammen..verwendet zB Bertelsmann etc... Docs zu best. Kategorien von Applikationen: diese Aussage im Kurzen, was UML sein soll:
"One characteristic of UML - in fact, the one that enables the widespread industry support that the language enjoys - is that it is methodology-independent. Regardless of the methodology that you use to perform your analysis and design, you can use UML to express the results. And, using XMI (XML Metadata Interchange, another OMG standard), you can transfer your UML model from one tool into a repository, or into another tool for refinement or the next step in your chosen development process. These are the benefits of standardization!
What can you Model with UML? UML defines twelve types of diagrams, divided into three categories: Four diagram types represent static application structure; five represent different aspects of dynamic behavior; and three represent ways you can organize and manage your application modules.
Structural Diagrams include the Class Diagram, Object Diagram, Component Diagram, and Deployment Diagram.
Behavior Diagrams include the Use Case Diagram (used by some methodologies during requirements gathering); Sequence Diagram, Activity Diagram, Collaboration Diagram, and Statechart Diagram.
Model Management Diagrams include Packages, Subsystems, and Models. "
Sonst nimmste dann Visio oder ARIS von IDS Scheer, wobei das Letztere etwas teurer ist da es eine komplette Suite darstellt..letztlich "malen" sie alle.
weitere Methoden: Spaß
