Autor Thema: Agent zum Lösen/Entfernen von Anhängen und Ersatz des Anhangs durch einen Link  (Gelesen 6835 mal)

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  • Frischling
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  • Beiträge: 12
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Sehr große Maildateien haben ihre Größe aufgrund ihrer Anhangs-Dateien. Seit es die deduplizierende Anhangsauslagerung via DAOS gibt, haben die Riesen-Mailboxen auf dem Server ihren Schrecken verloren; die zugehörigen riesigen lokalen Repliken können jedoch nach wie vor problematisch sein, vor allem wenn ihre Größe 60 GB überschreitet. Ein Werkzeug, das das lokale Auslagern von Anhangsdateien gestattet, kann daher in jedem Fall nützlich sein. Dem Anwender muß jedoch klar sein, daß er anschließend selbst für seine Anhangsdateien verantwortlich ist.
Scott T Noebels hat 2010 im "IBM Lotus Notes/Domino 8.5 Forum" einen Agenten publiziert ( ), auf dem die hier vorgeschlagene Lösung basiert.

Der unten angegebene Lotus-Script-Quelltext (Beginn bei "Option Public") muß in eine Datei (z.B. "Detach_Attachments.lss") gespeichert werden.
Im Notes Designer wird danach auf die Schaltfläche "New Agent" geklickt und der neue Agent z.B. "Anhänge lösen und speichern" genannt. Über "File > Import" wird danach die lss-Datei in den Agenten importiert. Dabei muß bestätigt werden, daß der bestehende (leere) Agenten-Code generell überschrieben werden soll.

Der Agent kann in Ansichten (Alle Dokumente, Gesendet) oder Ordnern über "Aktionen > Anhänge lösen und speichern" aufgerufen werden, nachdem die Mail(s) selektiert wurden, die er bearbeiten soll (jede Mail muß mit einem Häkchen selektiert sein - auch wenn es nur eine ist; Grund: Der Agent darf nicht von einer geöffneten Mail aus gestartet werden). Der Agent fragt nach dem Pfad für die Anhänge (ab dem zweiten Mal wird immer der letzte Pfad direkt vorgeschlagen), löst alle Anhänge in diesen Pfad und ersetzt sie in den Mails durch file:/// - Links auf den jeweiligen Anhang. Für die Links nicht taugliche Dateinamen werden zuvor korrigiert (das vor allem unterscheidet den hier publizierten Code von Scott T Noebels Original). Bereits vorhandene Dateien werden nicht überschrieben; stattdessen erhält der neue Dateiname eine aufsteigende Versionsnummer.
Der Agent wurde nur unter Windows/32 getestet.

Option Public
Option Declare
%INCLUDE "lsconst.lss"
%INCLUDE "lserr.lss"

These declarations are in support of the MSWindows APIs that are used by this
agent. This means that this agent will only work on Win32 clients.
Declare Function SHGetSpecialFolderLocation Lib "shell32.dll" (Byval hwndOwner As Long, _
Byval nFolder As Long, ppidl As Long) As Long
   hwndOwner As Long
   pidlRoot As Long
   pszDisplayName As String
   lpszTitle As String
   ulFlags As Long
   lpfn As Long
   lParam As Long
   iImage As Long
End Type
Declare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "SHBrowseForFolderA" _
(lpbi As BROWSEINFO) As Long
Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "SHGetPathFromIDListA" _
(Byval pidl As Long, Byval pszPath As String) As Long
Declare Sub CoTaskMemFree Lib "ole32.dll" (Byval pv As Long)

' Returns a file-path in the older DOS 8.3 notation without spaces
Declare Function GetShortPathNameA Lib "kernel32" (Byval lpszLongPath As String,_
Byval lpszShortPath As String, Byval cchBuffer As Long) As Long

Other global variables
Public Const ENV_FOLDER_LOCATION = "DRL_FolderLocation"
Dim objAttachment As NotesEmbeddedObject
Dim rtStyleText As NotesRichTextStyle
Dim rtStyleSep As NotesRichTextStyle
Dim rtStyleLink As NotesRichTextStyle
Dim rtitem As Variant
Dim iCounter As Integer
Dim strExtractName As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim lAnswer As Long
Dim iFilenum As Integer
Dim lBoxTYpe As Long
Dim strMessage As String
Dim strNewLink As String
Dim strNamePart As String
Dim strExtPart As String
Sub Initialize
   Dim session As New NotesSession
   Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
   Dim view As NotesUIView
   Dim doc As NotesDocument
   Dim db As NotesDatabase
   Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection
   Dim counter As Integer 'attachment counter
   Dim iDocsProcessed As Integer 'processed message counter
   Dim dupc As Integer 'duplicated filenames counter
   Dim strDetachFolder As String 'receives name of temporary file path
   Dim strMessage As String
   Dim lBoxType As Long
   Dim iErr As Integer
   Dim iTaskId As Integer
   Dim iTotalAttachments As Integer
   Dim iNumDocAttachments As Integer
   Dim iTotalDocuments As Integer
   Dim iPercentCompleted As Integer
' General errors get trapped here
   On Error Goto HandleError
' This on error traps the error that results when the agent attempts to
' open the collection from within a document rather than a view
   On Error ErrObjectVariableNotSet Goto NoSelected
' Ensure we are using windows 32... if not then say goodbye.
   If Instr(session.Platform, "Windows")=0 Then
      strMessage = "Sorry, this only works on a Windows platform at the moment!"
      Messagebox strMessage, lBoxType, "Warning"
      Exit Sub
   End If
' Do some initial stuff to make sure we are in a view and at least
' one document is selected before we go to the trouble of asking
' the user anything
   Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
   Set view = ws.CurrentView
' This statement will produce an error if the user is currently in a document
' rather than the view.
   Set dc = view.Documents
'if no document selected
   If dc.Count < 1 Then
      strMessage = "You must have selected at least one document before doing this action!"
      Messagebox strMessage, lBoxType, "Warning"
      Exit Sub
   End If
' Get the folder to detach attachments into
   If Not fGetDetachFolder(session, strDetachFolder) Then
      Exit Sub
   End If
   iTotalDocuments = dc.Count
   iDocsProcessed = 0
   Set doc = dc.GetFirstDocument
   While Not doc Is Nothing
      iDocsProcessed = iDocsProcessed + 1
'detach each attachment
      iNumDocAttachments = fDetachRemoveAndLink(session, doc, strDetachFolder)
      iTotalAttachments = iTotalAttachments + iNumDocAttachments
      iPercentCompleted = Int((iDocsProcessed / iTotalDocuments) * 100)
      Print Cstr(iDocsProcessed) & " out of " & Cstr(iTotalDocuments) & _
      " (" & Cstr(iPercentCompleted) & "%)"
      Set doc = dc.GetNextDocument(doc)
   strMessage = Cstr(iDocsProcessed) & " document(s) processed." & Chr(10) & _
   "There were a total of " & Cstr(iTotalAttachments) & Chr(10) & _
   "detached into the folder: " & strDetachFolder
   lBoxType = MB_OK
   Messagebox strMessage, lBoxType, "Finished!"
   Call ws.ViewRefresh( )
   Exit Sub
   iErr = Err()
   strMessage = "Please make sure that the folder: " & strDetachFolder & " is available."
   Messagebox strMessage, lBoxType, "Warning"
   Exit Sub
   iErr = Err()
   strMessage = "This action must only be taken while in a view!" & _
   Chr(13) & "Use the Attachment, Detach All... action while in a document!"
   Messagebox strMessage, lBoxType, "Warning"
   Exit Sub
End Sub
Function fGetShortPathName(longpath As String) As String
   Dim s As String
   Dim i As Long
   i = Len(longpath) + 1
   s = String(i, 0)
   GetShortPathNameA longpath, s, i
   fGetShortPathName = Left$(s, Instr(s, Chr$(0)) - 1)
End Function
Function fGetFolderLocation() As String
   Dim bi As BROWSEINFO ' structure passed to the function
   Dim pidl As Long ' PIDL to the user's selection
   Dim physpath As String ' string used to temporarily hold the physical path
   Dim retval As Long ' return value
   Dim vbNullChar As String
   vbNullChar = Chr(0)
' Initialize the structure to be passed to the function.
' The owner of the dialog box.
   bi.hwndOwner = 0
' Specify the My Computer virtual folder as the root.
   retval = SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(0, CSIDL_DRIVES, bi.pidlRoot)
' Make room in the buffer to get the [virtual] folder's display name.
   bi.pszDisplayName = Space(260)
' Message displayed to the user.
   bi.lpszTitle = "Please choose a folder."
' Nothing else needs to be set.
   bi.ulFlags = 0
   bi.lpfn = 0
   bi.lParam = 0
   bi.iImage = 0
' Open the Browse for Folder dialog box.
   pidl = SHBrowseForFolder(bi)
' If the user selected something, display its display name
' and its physical location on the system.
   If pidl <> 0 Then
'Remove the empty space from the display name variable.
      bi.pszDisplayName = Left(bi.pszDisplayName, Instr(bi.pszDisplayName, vbNullChar) - 1)
'Debug.Print "The user selected: "; bi.pszDisplayName
'If the folder is not a virtual folder, display its physical location.
      physpath = Space(260)
      retval = SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, physpath)
      If retval = 0 Then
'Debug.Print "Physical Location: (virtual folder)"
' Remove the empty space and display the result.
         physpath = Left(physpath, Instr(physpath, vbNullChar) - 1)
'Debug.Print "Physical Location: "; physpath
      End If
' Free the pidl returned by the function.
      CoTaskMemFree pidl
   End If
' Whether successful or not, free the PIDL which was used to
' identify the My Computer virtual folder.
   CoTaskMemFree bi.pidlRoot
' Return the physpath value
   fGetFolderLocation = physpath
End Function
Function fGetDetachFolder(session As NotesSession, strDetachFolder As String) As Variant
   On Error Goto HandleError
   Dim strMessage As String
   Dim lBoxType As Long
   Dim lAnswer As Long
   fGetDetachFolder = False
'get current saved folder
   strDetachFolder = session.GetEnvironmentString( ENV_FOLDER_LOCATION )
'if the folder doesn't exist, show folder location window.
   If Isempty(strDetachFolder) Or Len(strDetachFolder) < 2 Then
      strDetachFolder = fGetFolderLocation()
      If Len(strDetachFolder) < 2 Then
         Exit Function
      End If
'save strDetachFolder in to .ini
      Call session.SetEnvironmentVar( ENV_FOLDER_LOCATION, strDetachFolder )
'check the existance of the current folder, if it doesn't exist, prompt.
      If fFileExists(strDetachFolder) Then
         strMessage = "Current detach folder: "& strDetachFolder & " doesn't exist"
         lBoxType = MB_OK + MB_ICONSTOP
         Messagebox strMessage, lBoxType, "Detach Folder"
         lAnswer = IDNO
         strMessage = "Use current default folder: " & strDetachFolder & "?"
         lBoxType = MB_YESNO + MB_ICONQUESTION
         lAnswer = Messagebox(strMessage, lBoxType, "Detach Folder")
      End If
'if no current default folder, prompt for folder location window.
      If lAnswer = IDNO Then
         strDetachFolder = fGetFolderLocation()
'if the input string less than 2-character, stop
         If Len(strDetachFolder) < 2 Then
            Exit Function
         End If
'save strDetachFolder in to .ini
         Call session.SetEnvironmentVar( ENV_FOLDER_LOCATION, strDetachFolder )
      End If
   End If
   fGetDetachFolder = True
   Exit Function
   strMessage = "Error in fGetDetachFolder: (" & Err & ") " & Error & " at line: " & Erl
   lBoxType = MB_OK + MB_ICONSTOP
   Messagebox strMessage, lBoxType, "Error!"
   Exit Function
End Function
Function fDetachRemoveAndLinkR5(session As NotesSession, doc As NotesDocument, _
strDetachFolder As String) As Integer
   On Error Goto HandleError
   fDetachRemoveAndLinkR5 = 0
   iCounter = 0
' Look for rich text items in the document. Use the first rich text
' item found for rtitem - unless we find one named "Body" which will
' supercede any rich text item found thus far.
' If we don't find a rich text item then quit out of this document
   Set rtitem = Nothing
   Forall item In doc.Items
      If item.Type = RICHTEXT Then
         If rtitem Is Nothing Then
            Set rtitem = doc.GetFirstItem(item.Name)
         Elseif Strcompare(item.Name, "body", 5) = 0 Then
            Set rtitem = doc.GetFirstItem(item.Name)
         End If
      End If
   End Forall
' If we have not found a rich text item to use then scream and quit
' this document
   If rtitem Is Nothing Then
      strMessage = "Unable to locate any rich text items to hold the links " & _
      "to the attachments that may be removed. Cannot process this document " & _
      "with NoteId of: " & fFormatNoteId(doc.NoteId)
      Messagebox strMessage, lBoxType, "No RichText Item Found"
      Exit Function
   End If
' Iterate through each of the document's items looking for attachments
   Forall item In doc.Items
      If item.Type = Attachment Then
' Now that we have an attachment, get the embedded object
' associated with it. The first thing in the Values array
' is the name of the attachment.
         Set objAttachment = doc.GetAttachment(item.Values(0))
         iCounter = iCounter + 1
'get the attachment filename
         strExtractName = fvalidatefilename(objAttachment.Name)
'generate a unique path for the file to be detached to - this
'involves checking for the existence of a file with the same name
'and incrementing a counter prepended to the filename until a
'name is found that does not exist in the detach folder.
         strPath = strDetachFolder & "\" & strExtractName
         iFilenum = 1
         While fFileExists(strPath)
            strNamePart = Strleftback(strExtractName, ".", 5)
            strExtPart = Strrightback(strExtractName, ".", 5)
            strPath = strDetachFolder & "\" & strNamePart & "_" & Cstr(iFilenum) & "." & strExtPart
            iFilenum = iFilenum + 1
' Detach the attachment to the unique path
         Call objAttachment.ExtractFile(strPath)
' Now create the link to the detached file so that we will
' be able to get to it from this document
' The link will be in the format:
' "Removed Attached file: <attachment> to [file:\\<pathtodetachedfile>]"
' Get the rich text item in which to append the links
'Set rtitem = doc.GetFirstItem("Body" )
' Create the rich text styles
         Set rtStyleText = session.CreateRichTextStyle
         Set rtStyleSep = session.CreateRichTextStyle
         Set rtStyleLink = session.CreateRichTextStyle
' Initialize the styles for the three pieces of each linked file
         rtStyleText.Bold = False
         rtStyleText.NotesColor = COLOR_DARK_BLUE
         rtStyleText.Underline = False
         rtStyleText.NotesFont = FONT_HELV
         rtStyleText.FontSize = 8
         rtStyleSep.Bold = False
         rtStyleSep.NotesColor = COLOR_BLACK
         rtStyleSep.Underline = False
         rtStyleSep.NotesFont = FONT_HELV
         rtStyleSep.FontSize = 8
         rtStyleLink.Bold = False
         rtStyleLink.NotesColor = COLOR_BLUE
         rtStyleLink.Underline = True
         rtStyleLink.NotesFont = FONT_HELV
         rtStyleLink.FontSize = 8
' Build the string to be used in the link
         strNewLink = "file:\\" & fGetShortPathName(strPath)
' Append the link to the rich text field
         If iCounter = 1 Then
            Call rtitem.AddNewLine( 2 )
         End If
         Call rtitem.AppendStyle( rtStyleText )
         Call rtitem.AppendText( "Removed attached file: " & strExtractName & " to " )
         Call rtitem.AppendStyle( rtStyleSep )
         Call rtitem.AppendText( " --> [ " )
         Call rtitem.AppendStyle( rtStyleLink )
         Call rtitem.AppendText( strNewLink )
         Call rtitem.AppendStyle( rtStyleSep )
         Call rtitem.AppendText( " ]" )
         Call rtitem.AddNewLine( 1 )
' Remove the attachment from the document
         Call objAttachment.Remove
      End If
   End Forall
' Save the document so that the changes we just made will be retained
   Call doc.Save(True, False, True)
   fDetachRemoveAndLinkR5 = iCounter
   Exit Function
   strMessage = "Error in fDetachRemoveAndLink: (" & Err & ") " & Error & " at line: " & Erl
   lBoxType = MB_OK + MB_ICONSTOP
   Messagebox strMessage, lBoxType, "Error!"
   Exit Function
End Function
Function fFileExists(strPath As String) As Variant
   fFileExists = Not (Dir(strPath) = "")
End Function
Function fFormatNoteId(strN As String) As String
' Format the NoteId so that it is 8 characters with leading 0's
   If Len(strN) = 8 Then
      fFormatNoteId = strN
      fFormatNoteId = String(8-Len(strN), "0") & strN
   End If
End Function
Function fDetachRemoveAndLink(session As NotesSession, doc As NotesDocument, _
strDetachFolder As String) As Integer
   On Error Goto HandleError
'Dim objAttachment As NotesEmbeddedObject
   Dim rtStyleText As NotesRichTextStyle
   Dim rtStyleSep As NotesRichTextStyle
   Dim rtStyleLink As NotesRichTextStyle
   Dim rtitem As Variant
   Dim iCounter As Integer
   Dim strExtractName As String
   Dim strPath As String
   Dim lAnswer As Long
   Dim iFilenum As Integer
   Dim lBoxTYpe As Long
   Dim strMessage As String
   Dim strNewLink As String
   Dim strNamePart As String
   Dim strExtPart As String
   fDetachRemoveAndLink = 0
   iCounter = 0
' Look for rich text items in the document. Use the first rich text
' item found for rtitem - unless we find one named "Body" which will
' supercede any rich text item found thus far.
' If we don't find a rich text item then quit out of this document
   Set rtitem = Nothing
   Forall item In doc.Items
      If item.Type = RICHTEXT Then
         If rtitem Is Nothing Then
            Set rtitem = doc.GetFirstItem(item.Name)
         Elseif Strcompare(item.Name, "body", 5) = 0 Then
            Set rtitem = doc.GetFirstItem(item.Name)
         End If
      End If
   End Forall
' If we have not found a rich text item to use then scream and quit
' this document
   If rtitem Is Nothing Then
      strMessage = "Unable to locate any rich text items to hold the links " & _
      "to the attachments that may be removed. Cannot process this document " & _
      "with NoteId of: " & fFormatNoteId(doc.NoteId)
      Messagebox strMessage, lBoxType, "No RichText Item Found"
      Exit Function
   End If
' Iterate through each of the rich text's objects looking for attachments
   Forall objAttachment In rtitem.EmbeddedObjects
      If objAttachment.Type = EMBED_ATTACHMENT Then
         iCounter = iCounter + 1
'get the attachment filename
         strExtractName = fvalidatefilename(objAttachment.Name)
'generate a unique path for the file to be detached to - this
'involves checking for the existence of a file with the same name
'and incrementing a counter prepended to the filename until a
'name is found that does not exist in the detach folder.
         strPath = strDetachFolder & "\" & strExtractName
         iFilenum = 1
         While fFileExists(strPath)
            strNamePart = Strleftback(strExtractName, ".", 5)
            strExtPart = Strrightback(strExtractName, ".", 5)
            strPath = strDetachFolder & "\" & strNamePart & "_" & Cstr(iFilenum) & "." & strExtPart
            iFilenum = iFilenum + 1
' Detach the attachment to the unique path
         Call objAttachment.ExtractFile(strPath)
         Call objAttachment.Remove
' Now create the link to the detached file so that we will
' be able to get to it from this document
' The link will be in the format:
' "Removed Attached file: <attachment> to [file:\\<pathtodetachedfile>]"
' Get the rich text item in which to append the links
'Set rtitem = doc.GetFirstItem("Body" )
' Create the rich text styles
         Set rtStyleText = session.CreateRichTextStyle
         Set rtStyleSep = session.CreateRichTextStyle
         Set rtStyleLink = session.CreateRichTextStyle
' Initialize the styles for the three pieces of each linked file
         rtStyleText.Bold = False
         rtStyleText.NotesColor = COLOR_DARK_BLUE
         rtStyleText.Underline = False
         rtStyleText.NotesFont = FONT_HELV
         rtStyleText.FontSize = 8
         rtStyleSep.Bold = False
         rtStyleSep.NotesColor = COLOR_BLACK
         rtStyleSep.Underline = False
         rtStyleSep.NotesFont = FONT_HELV
         rtStyleSep.FontSize = 8
         rtStyleLink.Bold = False
         rtStyleLink.NotesColor = COLOR_BLUE
         rtStyleLink.Underline = True
         rtStyleLink.NotesFont = FONT_HELV
         rtStyleLink.FontSize = 8
' Build the string to be used in the link
         strNewLink = "file:\\" & fGetShortPathName(strPath)
' Append the link to the rich text field
         If iCounter = 1 Then
            Call rtitem.AddNewLine( 2 )
         End If
         Call rtitem.AppendStyle( rtStyleText )
         Call rtitem.AppendText( "Removed attached file: " & strExtractName & " to " )
         Call rtitem.AppendStyle( rtStyleSep )
         Call rtitem.AppendText( " --> [ " )
         Call rtitem.AppendStyle( rtStyleLink )
         Call rtitem.AppendText( strNewLink )
         Call rtitem.AppendStyle( rtStyleSep )
         Call rtitem.AppendText( " ]" )
         Call rtitem.AddNewLine( 1 )
      End If
   End Forall
' Save the document so that the changes we just made will be retained
   Call doc.Save(True, False, True)
   fDetachRemoveAndLink = iCounter
   Exit Function
   strMessage = "Error in fDetachRemoveAndLink: (" & Err & ") " & Error & " at line: " & Erl
   lBoxType = MB_OK + MB_ICONSTOP
   Messagebox strMessage, lBoxType, "Error!"
   Exit Function
End Function
Function fvalidatefilename(filename As String)
   Dim l As Integer
   Dim x As Integer
   Dim newname As String
   For x = 1 To l
      If Mid$(filename,x,1) Like "[-.@()~^$#[{}=A-Za-z0-9]" Then
         If Mid$(filename,x,1)="]" Or Mid$(filename,x,1)=","  Or Mid$(filename,x,1)="'"  Or Mid$(filename,x,1)="!" Then
'            Print Mid$(filename,x,1) " is not valid"
         End If
      End If
   Next x
End Function

Offline (h)uMan

  • Gold Platin u.s.w. member:)
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  • Wird schon ...
Besten Dank für das "sharen" des Agenten.

Habe den Agent wie von Dir beschrieben "eingebaut". Umgebung: Notes 9.0.1 FP2 DE, Mailtemplate 9 mit LP DE

Allerdings bekomme ich bei einem Dokument bei Ausführung des Agenten den Fehler
"Error in fDetachRemoveAndLink: (13) Type mismatch at line: 53"
und von den insgesamt drei Anlagen (2 Gifs, 1 PDF) wird die PDF-Datei nicht extrahiert.

Inhalt vom Feld IMAP_BoyStruct:
(("text" "plain"  ("charset" "ISO-8859-1") NIL NIL "quoted-printable" 2830 48 NIL NIL NIL)("image" "gif"  ("name" "pic44820.gif") NIL NIL "binary" 5159 NIL ("attachment" ("filename" "pic44820.gif")) NIL)("image" "gif"  ("name" "pic00115.gif") NIL NIL "binary" 3539 NIL ("attachment" ("filename" "pic00115.gif")) NIL)("application" "pdf"  ("name" "Angebot Schulung.pdf") NIL NIL "binary" 76825 NIL ("attachment" ("filename" "Angebot Schulung.pdf")) NIL) "mixed" ("Boundary" "0__=4EBBF64BDFBF487D8f9e8a93df938690918c4EBBF64BDFBF487D") ("inline" NIL) NIL)

Eine Idee, woran es liegen könnte?

Wie kann der Pfad im Dokument auch vollständig gespeichert bzw. angezeigt werden, also nicht mit "~" abgeschnitten?
"Removed attached file: pic14337.gif to  --> [ file:\\D:\DOWNLO~1\pic14337.gif ]"

Für Tipps schon mal besten Dank!
Beste Grüße, Uwe


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