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Agent Export CCS
Created 24.07.2014 by jens
Description: Comments for Agent
Option Public
Option Declare
Sub Initialize
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim uiview As NotesUIView
Dim view As NotesView
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim session As New NotesSession
' use the workspace to get the current view
'Set uiview = ws.CurrentView
'Set view = uiview.View
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set view = db.GetView( "CCSMA" )
Dim filenames As Variant
'Dim cn As Variant
' Get filename from user using the current ViewName as the default file name
filenames = ws.SaveFileDialog( _
False,"File Name",, "C:\daten\", "Adressliste.csv")
If Not(IsEmpty(filenames)) Then
Call ViewCSVPrint (view, filenames(0) )
End If
End Sub
Sub ViewCSVPrint (view As NotesView, FileName As String )
Dim fileNum As Integer
Dim entry As NotesViewEntry
Dim vc As NotesViewEntryCollection
Dim rowstring As String
Dim cns As String
fileNum% = FreeFile()
Open filename For Output As fileNum%
' use the view column titles as the CSV headers
ForAll c In view.Columns
If cns = "" Then
cns = c.title
cns = cns + +"," + c.title
End If
End ForAll
Print #fileNum%, cns
' now get and print the values for each row and column
Set vc = view.AllEntries
Set entry = vc.GetFirstEntry()
While Not entry Is Nothing
rowstring = ""
ForAll colval In entry.ColumnValues
colval = findreplace(colval,",",";")
If rowstring = "" Then
rowstring = colval
rowstring = rowstring + +"," + colval
End If
End ForAll
Print #fileNum%, rowstring
Set entry = vc.GetNextEntry(entry)
Close fileNum%
End Sub
Function Findreplace(ByVal wholestring As Variant, find As String, ireplace As String) As String
Dim checkstring As Variant
Dim saveleft As Variant
Dim n As Variant
Dim leftstring As Variant
Dim rightstring As Variant
While InStr(1, checkstring, find)<>0
n=InStr(1, checkstring, find)
leftstring = Left(checkstring, n-1)
rightstring=Right(checkstring, Len(checkstring)-n-Len(find)+1)
FindReplace= saveleft+checkstring
Falscher Datentyp in Methode OP_CHECK_TOS_BYVAL: STRING wurde gefunden Unknown wurde erwartet
Wo liegt hier mein Fehler?
Viele Grüße