Hallo StanPete,
das habe ich in der Kowledgebase zu dem Thema gefunden :
"Please Disable Out of Office Agent" Memo Received Every Three Minutes After Upgrading to Notes R5
After upgrading from Notes R4 to Notes R5, users receive the "Please Disable Out of Office Agent" memo every two (2) to three (3) minutes once the return date to the office has past. The users who experience this problem have changed the trigger in the agent to "After New Mail Arrives."
This issue was reported to Lotus Quality Engineering and has been addressed in Notes 5.0.5. (For an explanation of why this occurs, refer to the Supporting Information section below.)
In order to avoid this issue, change the trigger in the "Out of Office" agent back to the default of "Scheduled Daily" at 1:00 a.m. Otherwise, disable the "Out of Office" agent immediately upon returning to the office to limit the impact of this issue.
Supporting Information:
The reason why this occurs is that the Out of Office agent is designed to run once a day at 1AM. If this schedule is changed, problems such as this can occur.
The R5 design of the OutofOffice agent reminds the user to disable the agent by sending a memo to the user. Because of this functionality, setting the trigger to "After New Mail Arrives" will put the agent into a recursive loop once the user is first reminded. Also the agent does not consider when the last reminder was sent, therefore reminding the user to disable the agent as many times as it is set to run.
Es gibt noch einen zweiten Eintrag der sich mit dem Thema beschäftigt, allerdings geht es da um die Version 4.5x.