Also, ich habe eben nochmal in die Adminhilfe geschaut und dort steht folgendes :
Push/Wait to have your server wait until it gets a call from another server. When your server is called and receives a "pull request," then your server pushes messages to the other server.
Push Only (default) to have your server call another server and send any pending messages to the other server.
Pull Push to have your server call another server and send a pull request to the other server to send messages back, and send any pending messages to the other server. The other server will push any pending messages to your server.
Pull Only to have your server call another server and send a pull request. The other server will push any pending messages to your server.
Das heist also, dass der Port 1352 offen sein muss, da der abgebende Server die Mails an den Anforderer schickt, ich hatte das irgendwie missinterpretiert.