Hi eknori,
ich habe in der Knowlegde Base was dazu gefunden :
Users Missing During Rebuilding of Extended Directory Catalog
When removing a Domino Directory from the aggregated address configuration document in the Extended Directory Catalog, all users from the remaining Domino Directories are removed and then re-added when dircat is reloaded. During the rebuild process users are not found. Specifically,
1. You create three Domino directories (NAB1, NAB2, NAB3) containing more than 1000 users per Domino directory.
2. You create an Extended Directory Catalog (Agg.nsf) based on pubnames.ntf (beginning in Domino R5.0.5, a new view has been added to pubnames.ntf called Aggregate Directory Configuration) to aggregate them. You add these three NABs to the aggregated address configuration. On the console, you type "load dircat Agg.nsf". The Extended Directory Catalog will build and will contain 3000 users.
3. If you remove NAB2 from the Aggregated address configuration document and on the console, you load dircat Agg.nsf, the Extended Directory Catalog rebuilds but during that task, all users (even those in NAB3 and NAB1) in the Extended Directory Catalog are removed and re-added.
If using the Extended Directory Catalog to route mail, then during the rebuild, users are not found.
This issue was reported to Lotus Software Quality Engineering; however, it was determined not to be a software problem. The Domino server is functioning as designed.
This is an incorrect way of configuring the Extended Directory Catalog (or the standard dircat). If an administrator is going to force a rebuild of the Dircat, the administrator should NOT have the database in production use at the time. A replica of the Dircat database should be created on another server and that replica should be rebuilt. The changes can then be replicated over to the database in production.
When possible, Lotus recommends a dedicated server be used to run the Dircat task, and then replicate the changes to the other servers.
Zum zweiten :
Unregistered Users Are Not Added During Domino Directory Aggregation into DC
A Domino 5.x Administrator adds several users to a Domino Directory by creating Person documents rather than by registering the users. When the Administrator attempts to aggregate the Domino Directory into a Directory Catalog (DC), these users are not added. Why?
In this particular case, each Person document for these unregistered users has values in the "First name" and "Last name" fields; however, the "User name" field is blank. The DIRCAT task (DIRCAT.EXE) is unable to add a user to the DC if the user's Person document contains a blank "User name" field. The DIRCAT task requires that a number of essential fields be populated before a Person document can be considered valid, and the "User name" field is chief amongst these essential fields. Once a value is added to this field, aggregation should be successful for these unregistered users.