Autor Thema: Die Dominoconsole  (Gelesen 9688 mal)

Offline Meff

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Die Dominoconsole
« am: 17.08.02 - 07:33:36 »
Hallo Forum,

aus den Releasenotes R6 zu dem Thema Domino Console :

Startup Instructions for Domino Controller and Domino Console:


If you have a file called "AdminConfig" in the server's Data Directory from previous beta builds, please delete that file. Starting with the current beta release of Domino 6, the server generates a file called "admindata.xml" in the data directory that contains all the information that was previously in the "AdminConfig" file. Please do not modify this file manually. To set or modify admin roles, one has to change the server document in the NAB.
For the console to connect to any server, that server should be running with Domino Controller. To run server under controller issue the following command.
On NT: Make sure no other server is running. Run the server as: nserver -jc. You will see a window. DO NOT KILL OR CLOSE THIS WINDOW, but iconify it.

On Unix: Make sure no other server is running. Change the directory to Data Directory. Run the server as:
<IDIR>/lotus/bin/server -jc.

<IDIR> in this document refers to the directory where the domino server is installed.
For example: /opt or /local.

When you start Domino as described above, the Controller gets started and it, in turn, starts Domino Console and Domino Server. Since all three processes are running on the same machine, they will take up some system resources. If your machine is slow or memory-starved, it is suggested that you run server in the following manner (server means nserver on NT/W2K or server on UNIX):

server -jc -c Should not bring up the Console and should start Domino and the Controller. If the Domino server needs a password, it will only bring up the server process. You must connect from another Console and enter a password from there. If the server doesn't have a password, it will bring up all of the Domino processes.

NOTE: For the first time only after setup, connecting from a remote system using the Domino Console, you will not be able to connect if the server is waiting for a password. However, If the server doesn't require a password, you will be able to connect.

server -jc -s Should bring up the Console and the Controller but not start Domino

server -jc -c -s Should only bring up the Controller

To run Console only, please follow the instructions below:

On NT: run "jconsole.exe" from the command prompt. This executable is located where server or administrator is installed.
On UNIX: run "jconsole" from the command prompt. This executable is located where server is installed.

In the current release, to run Domino Console separately on a machine where Domino is not installed, you need to have the following files in a directory on the machine you want to run. Copy the following from the Domino executable directory on a machine where Domino is installed, to a new directory on the desired machine.

- dconsole.jar
- jconsole.exe (on NT/W2K) or jconsole (on UNIX)
- jvm directory including all subdirectories
- Follow the steps under Console, On NT or On Unix above, as appropriate.

Things you need to know:

For any help on how to use Domino Console, refer to the on-line help menu option on the Domino Console menu.
To Connect to any controller, the administrator needs to know his/her user name or any shortname and password (internet password field) that is in the administrators person document in the NAB.
In the NAB, in the server document, the internet host name field must have the proper host name.
To be able to connect to the controller, administrators need to have their names put in the appropriate fields in the server document in NAB under the Security tab. The fields are:
Full Access Administrators can issue all Domino, Shell and Controller commands (including quit, exit, enable/disable user).
Full Remote Console Administrators can issue Controller commands (including quit, exit, enable/disable user) and all Domino commands, but not Shell commands.
View Only Administrators can issue View Only Domino commands and Controller commands (except quit, exit, enable/disable user), but not Shell Commands.
System Administrators can issue Controller commands (except quit, exit, enable/disable user) and Shell commands, but not Domino commands.
Restricted System Administrators can issue only those Shell commands listed in the restricted system commands field and Controller commands (except quit, exit, enable/disable user).
Restricted System Commands should contain a list commands that can be issued by the Restricted System Administrator(s).
The port 2050 or whatever port you are running the Domino Controller on, must be a publicly available port for the Domino Console to be able to connect from a remote machine.
To connect to the controller for the first time, you must type in hostname of the controller/server to which you want to connect in the server name field of the connect dialog. Once you connect to the controller/server, from the Domino Console use "controller->refresh servers" menu option to get the list of available servers from the connected server. Also, do "controller->refresh groups" menu option to get the list of server groups. When the administrator exits the console, the server and group list is retained. Next time you start the Domino Console, there is no need to do refresh servers or groups unless you want to get the latest changes.
To run Domino Controller/Domino Console on a partitioned server environment
Make sure the notes.ini file has the TCPIP_TcpIpAddress (case sensitive on UNIX) line with the specified IP Address for the server.
When you start the console, a blank screen will intermittently display where the console text is shown. Resizing the main window will eliminate the painting problem.
You can copy text from the console text area to the system clipboard by selecting the text using the left mouse button, and clicking the right mouse button, or by using CRTL-C, or by using "Edit -> Copy" menu option to copy.
Clicking the right mouse button on either available or connected server list view will display a pop up menu, where you could connect, disconnect, show (switch to selected) server, and server information.
For shell commands, it is recommended NOT to use Editors, Debuggers, or any other program which is interactive and uses the same shell to run.
If you don't want to get the Controller status window displayed, please set the Notes.ini parameter: "ShowControllerStatusWindow=0". By default, the window will be displayed.
On UNIX machines, please do NOT tee the output to a file. If you do, only controller messages will be written in to that file.
Administrators who issue "tell ca" commands can use "View -> Show Secure Password" or click "secure password" on the Popup menu by clicking the little arrow next to the Send button. The Password field allows user to enter passwords encrypted.
A new menu option "Controller->Kill Domino" has been added. This should be used to kill Domino processes when Domino is in a hung state or not responding.
If the console is stuck in Wait Cursor mode for any reason, use CTRL-B to come to normal cursor mode (this currently does not work on Solaris).
Starting with the current release of Domino, logging of the controller messages has changed as explained below:
Logging on Controller End

Controller logs messages from Domino which can be controlled by the user. By default, it saves the messages in normal text format (i.e., plain messages) in Domino's data directory. However, the user can set a different directory and different name by specifying the path for ControllerLogFileName as explained in the Controller Specifics below. Every midnight, the controller starts another log file with the same path, but appending a different datetime so that the logfile won't be too big. However, if the user changes the ControllerLogFileType on the fly from the Console, then a new file also gets created, with that datetime. In essence, if a user changes ControllerLogFileName and/or ControllerLogExpiration these are taken into consideration when Domino is started, or at midnight when the new file is created, or when the user changes ControllerLogType.

Controller Specifics
Users can change these from the console, as below, by editing dcontroller.ini or by using the controller set command from console (e.g., con set ControllerLogType=2).

There are three parameters that effect the logging on the controller end. These are set in "dcontroller.ini" file in server's data directory:

This can have 0, 1, 2, or 3 as its value.
0 -- means no logging. Do not log at all on the controller end. This is the same as not setting the DEBUG_OUTFILE option.

1 -- means log in normal text messages. This is the default, and gives more information than the DEBUG_OUTFILE setting. It is similar to the 'pipe' command on UNIX.

2 -- means log the messages in meta format with all info (severity, color, procid etc.,) that comes from server.

3 -- means log both types of files simultaneously.

This will keep files for the number of days set, and purge the remaining. Default value is 7 days. That means, on any day, you will have that many days-old files in the data directory, or whatever directory is set.
This will keep track of the pathname for the log file. When the user sets this, he should not give any extension. Program appends .meta or .log to the file name, and appends the datetime to the given name. Default name given is "dcntrlr". Default directory is domino data directory. Default log file are as follows:
dcntrlr06170900.log or dcntrlr06170900.meta based on the ControllerLogType.

If the user sets ControllerLogFileName=d:\logs\mylog, the files will be as follows in d:\mylog directory:

mylog06170900.log or mylog06170900.meta

However, if the user sets ControllerLogFileName=d:\logs\mylog.log, the files will be as follows in d:\mylog directory:
mylog.log06170900.log or mylog.log06170900.meta

Console General Information and Specifics (Local Logging)
You can log the messages that come from a particular controller/server on the local disk, when you connect from a remote Java Console. You can even log for multiple servers at the same time. Users can, on the fly, stop and start local logging. To enable or disable local logging, use the "Controller -> Local logging" checkbox.
When you enable local logging, a dialog box will pop up where the user can select the directory and file name, data type (meta or normal text) and file type (sequential or circular; if the latter is selected, the user needs to give the logfile size).

Each field has automatic tooltip text that tells what that field is. Here, the default directory is where the Java console is started.

Meff ;)
« Letzte Änderung: 01.01.70 - 01:00:00 von 1034200800 »
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Re:Die Dominoconsole
« Antwort #1 am: 29.01.03 - 09:36:13 »

Wie starte ich den Server mit denn Optionen wenn ich ihn als Service unter W2K starten möchte?

Registry? Welche Keys?
Andere Wege?

(oder steht das im Artikel und ich hab es nur nicht gesehen?)    :o



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Re:Die Dominoconsole
« Antwort #2 am: 29.01.03 - 10:08:00 »
Ja steht in dem Artikel (Release Notes), von dem Meff einen Auszug hier reingestellt hat - hast du übersehen.
« Letzte Änderung: 29.01.03 - 10:32:39 von JoJo »
lg, JoJo

Offline Meff

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Re:Die Dominoconsole
« Antwort #3 am: 30.01.03 - 06:19:38 »
Steht ja auch viel Text drin :

On NT: run "jconsole.exe" from the command prompt. This executable is located where server or administrator is installed.

Meff ;)
"Zwei Dinge sind zu unserer Arbeit nötig: Unermüdliche Ausdauer und die Bereitschaft, etwas, in das man viel Zeit und Arbeit gesteckt hat, wieder wegzuwerfen."
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