Autor Thema: Domino Umgebung - Frage  (Gelesen 1730 mal)

Offline emc7kr

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Domino Umgebung - Frage
« am: 26.09.11 - 08:49:51 »
Hallo Leute,

ich habe ein Problem. Wir haben eine weltweite Domino Umgebung mit vielen einzelnen Servern, die alle in einer Domäne sind. Der Server, der alle erreichen kann steht in Deutschland.

Jetzt habe ich einen Server in der DMZ, der Email verschicken möchte zu einem Standort. Dieser Standort ist mit einer VPN Verbindung nach Deutschland verbunden.

Ich darf aber keine direkte Notesverbindung von der DMZ zu diesem Standort machen.

Gibt es da die Möglichkeit eine art Durchgangsserver zu machen, dass alle Emails für die Standorte erst an den Server in Deutschland gehen?

Bitte um schnelle Antwort

gruß emc7kr

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Re: Domino Umgebung - Frage
« Antwort #1 am: 26.09.11 - 09:35:35 »
Aus der Admin-Hilfe, Kapitel "Overview of routing mail using Notes routing  ":
If the sender and recipient don't share a mail server, the Router checks the Domino Directory to determine whether the servers are in the same Domino domain.
If the Server document for the destination server is found within the Domino Directory, the Router checks that document to determine the network information for the server. On the Ports - Notes Network Ports tab of the Server document, the server is assigned to one or more Notes named networks (NNNs). A Notes named network is a group of servers in a given Domino domain that share a common protocol and are connected by a LAN or modem connections.

Note  Servers within the same domain may or may not be in the same Notes named network. Servers that share a Notes named network are always in the same Domino domain.

If the two servers share a Notes named network, the Router immediately routes the message from the MAIL.BOX file on the sender's server to the MAIL.BOX file on the recipient's server. The Router on the recipient's server then delivers the message to the recipient's mail file. Because mail routes automatically within a Notes named network, you do not need to create any additional connections or documents.

Moving a message to a recipient in a different NNN within the same Domino domain

If the sender's and recipient's mail servers are in the same Domino domain, but don't share either a mail server or a Notes named network, for transfer to succeed there must be some connection between the two networks. Connections between Notes named networks can be achieved by two means:
Using a 'bridge" server that is a member of multiple Notes named networks

Using a Connection document

When a Connection document provides the information for routing mail between NNNs, the source and destination networks can be in different Domino domains. The document contains all of the information the Router needs to locate the destination network.
m³ aka. Martin -- leyrers online pamphlet | LEYON - All things Lotus (IBM Collaborations Solutions)

All programs evolve until they can send email.
Except Microsoft Exchange.
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Offline emc7kr

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Re: Domino Umgebung - Frage
« Antwort #2 am: 26.09.11 - 14:36:32 »
If the sender's and recipient's mail servers are in the same Domino domain, but don't share either a mail server or a Notes named network, for transfer to succeed there must be some connection between the two networks. Connections between Notes named networks can be achieved by two means:
Using a 'bridge" server that is a member of multiple Notes named networks

Using a Connection document

When a Connection document provides the information for routing mail between NNNs, the source and destination networks can be in different Domino domains. The document contains all of the information the Router needs to locate the destination network.

Okay. Jetzt steht da aber nicht, wie ich diese "Bridge" Verbindung aufbauen kann. Wir haben verschiedene NNN's. Der zentrale Server in Deutschland ist aber in jedem.

Damit es nicht aussieht, als ob ich euch die Arbeit machen lassen will, stelle ich eine Frage: Muss ich jetzt eine Passthrough Verbindung(sdokument) erstellen?

Danke vielmals für die bisherigen Beiträge

Offline m3

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Re: Domino Umgebung - Frage
« Antwort #3 am: 26.09.11 - 15:20:34 »
Connections between Notes named networks can be achieved by two means:
+) Using a 'bridge" server that is a member of multiple Notes named networks
+) Using a Connection document

Den Bridge Server (aka. Pass-Through Server) brauchst Du nur, wenn sich der Quell- und Zielserver netzwerktechnisch nicht sehen können. Ansonsten reicht ein entsprechendes Verbidnungsdokument.
m³ aka. Martin -- leyrers online pamphlet | LEYON - All things Lotus (IBM Collaborations Solutions)

All programs evolve until they can send email.
Except Microsoft Exchange.
    - Memorable Quotes from Alt.Sysadmin.Recovery

"Lotus Notes ist wie ein Badezimmer, geht ohne Kacheln, aber nicht so gut." -- Peter Klett

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