Autor Thema: Advanced directory capabilities,partitioning for Domino Collaboration &Messaging  (Gelesen 2174 mal)

Offline m3

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    • leyrers online pamphlet
Today, IBM® announces the availability of advanced directory capabilities and Lotus® Domino®  partitioning technology for Lotus Domino Collaboration Express® and Lotus Domino Messaging Express®.  These capabilities help Lotus Domino Collaboration Express and Messaging Express customers to reduce operating and hardware costs through flexible deployments and more efficient use of hardware.

The advanced directory capabilities allow organizations to increase their flexibility in terms of accessing and storing directory related information.  For example, organizations can leverage directories for LDAP searches, and also implement multiple directories to allow greater control of internal or external directory listings.  The Extended Access Control List (XACL) feature allows organizations to refine access to directories for purposes such as delegating administration to individuals within a particular organizational unit, or to control access to portions of a directory.  The following additional capabilities are provided:

    * Extended Access Control Lists
    * Cascading directories
    * Directory catalogs
    * Directory assistance
    * Central directory (userless Name and Address Book)

The Lotus Domino partitioning technology helps organizations reduce operational and hardware costs by allowing multiple instances of Lotus Domino to run on a single computer. Fewer servers can contribute to more efficient use of hardware and reduced server management.
m³ aka. Martin -- leyrers online pamphlet | LEYON - All things Lotus (IBM Collaborations Solutions)

All programs evolve until they can send email.
Except Microsoft Exchange.
    - Memorable Quotes from Alt.Sysadmin.Recovery

"Lotus Notes ist wie ein Badezimmer, geht ohne Kacheln, aber nicht so gut." -- Peter Klett

"If there isn't at least a handful of solutions for any given problem, it isn't IBM"™ - @notessensai

Offline Fitz

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ich hab bei IBM nichts weiteres gefunden und ich verstehe noch nicht ganz was damit gemeint ist:

"The advanced directory capabilities allow organizations to increase their flexibility in terms of accessing and storing directory related information.  For example, organizations can leverage directories for LDAP searches, and also implement multiple directories to allow greater control of internal or external directory listings."


"Central directory (userless Name and Address Book)"

Ist das die geplante "Domino Directory Independence"? Laut der Technote ist das ja nicht mehr weiter verfolgt worden, oder doch???

Weiß jemand was sich dahinter verbirgt? Danke für Infos!

9x Domino Server 11.0.1
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IBM Content Manager, ICC4Mail, eDiscovery Manager
Sametime 11.5

Offline m3

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    • leyrers online pamphlet
Directory Indipendence ist tot. Dafür gibts jetzt den Tivoli Directory Intgerator kostenlos zum Domino dazu (mit kleinen Lizenz-Einschränkungen).

Das Central Directory gibt es IIRC, seit Domino 6, durfte halt nur bis jetzt bei Collaboration Express und Messaging Express Servern nicht genutzt werden:
A central directory architecture is an optional directory architecture you can implement in a Domino domain. This architecture differs from the traditional distributed directory architecture in which every server in a domain has a full replica of the primary Domino Directory.

With a central directory architecture, some servers in the domain have selective replicas of a primary Domino Directory. These replicas, which are known as Configuration Directories, contain only those documents that are used to configure servers in a Domino domain, such as Server, Connection, and Configuration Settings documents. A server with a Configuration Directory uses a remote primary Domino Directory on another server to look up information about users and groups and other information related to traditional directory services.
m³ aka. Martin -- leyrers online pamphlet | LEYON - All things Lotus (IBM Collaborations Solutions)

All programs evolve until they can send email.
Except Microsoft Exchange.
    - Memorable Quotes from Alt.Sysadmin.Recovery

"Lotus Notes ist wie ein Badezimmer, geht ohne Kacheln, aber nicht so gut." -- Peter Klett

"If there isn't at least a handful of solutions for any given problem, it isn't IBM"™ - @notessensai

Offline Fitz

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Danke Martin für die Info!

Und ich dachte schon bei "Central directory (userless Name and Address Book)" an eine leere names.nsf (nur Konfig Dokumente) und die User/Gruppen liegen in einem LDAP Verzeichnis ;D

9x Domino Server 11.0.1
BlackBerry UEM12 Server
IBM Content Manager, ICC4Mail, eDiscovery Manager
Sametime 11.5


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