Autor Thema: Gelöst:Geburtstag über iPhone hinzufügen, wird in Notes 1 Tag früher dargestellt  (Gelesen 3559 mal)


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kennt jemand das Problem, dass wenn ich einen Geburtstag im iPhone in meinen Kontakten einpflege, dieser nach dem Synchronisieren im Notes einen Tag früher angezeigt wird als auf dem iPhone in den Kontaken hinterlegt ist?

« Letzte Änderung: 17.12.10 - 11:06:44 von gti-edition »


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iPhone birthday and anniversary synch issue. Product:  Lotus Notes Traveler  >  Calendar  >  Version 8.5.2, 8.5.1 
Platform(s):  Apple iOS 




The problem occurs when syncing contacts from iPhone to the server.     
During winter-time the dates are synced to one day earlier.             
In summer-time the dates are syned to two days earlier.                 
The problem is affecting all contacts synced with iPhones.         
With iPads winter-time birthdays are correct and summer-time entries are off by one day.                                                     
Affected version Domino and Traveler Version is 8.5.2 but it also happens with 8.5.1. 


During winter-time the dates are synced to one day earlier.             
In summer-time the dates are syned to two days earlier.       



This is due to a change of the Format of the Birthday and Anniversary field done by Apple in iOS4
Not a Traveler issue.



One workaround is to edit the Traveler mapping database (R6PersonMap.nsf) for contacts to ignore the birthday/anniversary values from the device.

You would have to create and modify the values from the server. They would sync to the device but any values sent to the server would be ignored. This would affect all devices, not just Apple.

After changing those settings you have to close the database and restart the Traveler servertask.

Note: When you update Traveler this change is overwritten and you have to enable the same change again


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