Autor Thema: packt publishing Angebot Euro 30 für 5 PDF ebooks  (Gelesen 2480 mal)

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packt publishing - also die wo viele der jüngeren Lotus Domino Bücher verlegen - haben ein Weihnachtsferienangebot:
5 ebooks für $40/£25/€30
Das ist immerhin deutlich günstiger als die Weihnachtsangebote von Manning  ;D

Gültig bis 4. Januar 2010.

Hier die ganze Mail:

Dear Customer,

Packt is pleased to announce that this holiday season we are holding a very special offer for our very special customers. You will be delighted to know that now you can choose any 5 eBooks from a collection of over 500 innovative books at an unbelievable price of just $40/£25/€30. This is the perfect opportunity for you to build your skills and your eBook collection without breaking the bank.

You can get inspiration by viewing our entire catalog of books at

To make it easier for you to buy eBooks on your favorite technologies, we have created pre-defined eBook bundles. From these bundle pages, simply click the “Add to Cart” button and the eBooks will be added to your cart. The pre-defined bundles are available for Drupal, Joomla!, Plone, Moodle, WordPress, Python, and SOA. You can view all the eBook bundles here Festive Delight Offer.

And today’s excitement doesn’t stop there. You will also be pleased to know that we are giving away the eBook of RESTful PHP Web Services for free. Please visit to sign in to your account to download the eBook. This offer will expire on 4th January 2010, so don’t let this amazing offer slip through your fingers. Go and create your eBook bundle now!

Best wishes,
Packt Publishing
Ich stimm nicht mit allen überein, aber mit vielen und sowieso unterhaltsam ->


Aquí no se respeta ni la ley de la selva.
(Hier respektiert man nicht einmal das Gesetz des Dschungels)

Nicanor Parra, San Fabian, Región del Bio Bio, República de Chile


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