Autor Thema: Neu in 8.5.2 - Single Copy Xpage Design  (Gelesen 3109 mal)

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Neu in 8.5.2 - Single Copy Xpage Design
« am: 25.06.10 - 14:00:53 »
So what is it? Single Copy XPage Design is a new feature in 852 that allows for XPage resources to be shared. XPages design elements (XPages, Custom Controls, CSS, client/server JS libraries, themes) are stored in one database and then other databases can point to this common "SCXD" database through a new database property available in Designer (in the Performance section on the XPages tab in the Application Properties). At runtime, XPages will read this information and, if it is not empty, will then use the design elements from the "SCXD" database instead of the current database. So effectively you have UI in one database and data in another.
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Offline Thomas Schulte

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Re: Neu in 8.5.2 - Single Copy Xpage Design
« Antwort #1 am: 25.06.10 - 14:19:02 »
Hört ich nach Forms.ntf reloaded an. Hoffentlich macht die IBM das diesmal besser.
Thomas Schulte

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