Autor Thema: Hilfe Bitte !  (Gelesen 1007 mal)

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Hilfe Bitte !
« am: 16.12.02 - 18:32:53 »
Name: Roland Abeling
Subject: No acces to ACL
Body of Message:

Dear All,

I have some problem with a mailbox.nsf from an user, i have no acces for the ACL of the nsf, file, i want to know if exist any tool, to acces the acl, and acces the mailbox.

Thaks in Advance.


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Re:Hilfe Bitte !
« Antwort #1 am: 16.12.02 - 19:15:03 »
First of all there must be a reason why you do not have access to the file  ;D
Are you administrator of the notes system ?

if not; no chance buddy  ;D ;D

If you are notes administrator you could go to the server, open the mailfile with the local client and change the ACL to grant yourself access to the file in question.

But your question was if there were a tool doing the job; yes there is one. Take a look at this,ACL

« Letzte Änderung: 16.12.02 - 19:21:33 von eknori »
Egal wie tief man die Messlatte für den menschlichen Verstand auch ansetzt: jeden Tag kommt jemand und marschiert erhobenen Hauptes drunter her!

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Re:Hilfe Bitte !
« Antwort #2 am: 16.12.02 - 21:21:35 »
Didn't you forget to mention that there is unrestricted access to agents necessary on the mailserver in question to take advantage of the tool you are recommending?

lg, JoJo


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