Autor Thema: Import von Excel-Datenfeldern via Script  (Gelesen 1235 mal)

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Import von Excel-Datenfeldern via Script
« am: 06.12.02 - 14:42:41 »
...ich schon wieder... :-[

Hab ein LotusScript für meine Belange modifiziert - funzt soweit auch prima. Aber:
Die Variablen temp21 und temp22 werden mit Uhrzeiten gefüllt, die entsprechenden Felder in der Maske sind auch als Uhrzeit definiert. Warum kommen dann nur 0,irgendwas-Zahlen raus?
Beim Datumsfeld (temp5) funktioniert es doch auch?
Ist das Script falsch und/oder bin ich zu doof und/oder liegt der Fehler ganz woanders?

Ich poste das Script mal, vielleicht hat einer ja ne Idee:

Sub Click(Source As Button) 
'The action button is located on a view named Import1 
   Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace 
   Dim session As New NotesSession 
   Dim db As NotesDatabase 
   Set db = session.CurrentDatabase 
   Dim view As NotesView 
   Dim doc As NotesDocument 
   Dim temp1 As String 
   Dim temp2 As String 
   Dim temp3 As String 
   Dim temp4 As String 
   Dim temp5 As Variant 
   Dim temp6 As String  
   Dim temp7 As Long  
   Dim temp8 As String  
   Dim temp9 As String  
   Dim temp10 As String  
   Dim temp11 As String  
   Dim temp12 As String  
   Dim temp13 As String  
   Dim temp14 As String  
   Dim temp15 As String  
   Dim temp16 As String  
   Dim temp17 As Double  
   Dim temp18 As Double  
   Dim temp19 As Double  
   Dim temp20 As String  
   Dim temp21 As Variant  
   Dim temp22 As Variant  
   Dim temp23 As String 
   Dim r As Long
   Dim xlApp As Variant 
   Dim xlSheet As Variant 
   Dim cursor As Long 
   Dim recordcheck As String 
   On Error Goto ERRORLABEL 
   Dim FileName As String 
   Dim DefaultFileName As String 
   NamePrompt$="Enter the complete Path and File Name of the Excel file to be imported:" &Chr(13) 
   FileName=Inputbox(NamePrompt$,"Import File Name Specification",DefaultFileName,100,100) 
   If FileName="" Then Goto SubEnd 
 'Create an Excel object for the spreadsheet 
 'It may be necessary to have the proper MS Office DLLs installed on the PC running this application 
 'That is, the person must be able to open the XLS file with Excel 
   Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 
   xlApp.Application.Workbooks.Open Filename 
'File not found will return ERR=213 and the routine will be ended 
   With xlApp.workbooks.Add 
 'Not sure what this line is for, unless it's to be sure that at least one workbook is present in the XLS file 
   End With 
   Set xlSheet = xlApp.Workbooks(1).Worksheets(1) 
   r=1 ' Row counter - first row contains fieldnames from the database;  
'these fieldnames are not needed as long as the spreadsheet follows a specified format 
   While recordcheck <>"0" And recordcheck <> "" And r<5000 
  'Recordcheck = "0" when there is no value in the first cell of the row,  if integer, or "", if string 
  'Important - Set r to a value that will stop the import routine without missing any data, if the other criteria do not 
'For this example, six columns are imported 
      If recordcheck="0" Then Goto Finished ' Avoid generating empty record 
  'The above lines lines could be combined with those below, but keep separate for ease in debugging until ready to finalize the code 
      Set doc = New NotesDocument(db) 
      doc.Form = "Servicebericht" 
      doc.SB_Nummer = temp1 
      doc.SB_Geraetetyp = temp2 
      doc.SB_Geraetenummer= temp3 
      doc.SB_Techniker = temp4 
      doc.SB_Datum = temp5 
      doc.SB_Status = temp6 
      doc.SB_Betriebsstunden = temp7
      doc.SB_AC = temp8
      doc.SB_KD_Nummer = temp9
      doc.SB_Kunde = temp10
      doc.SB_Ort = temp11
      doc.SB_Fehlercode1 = temp12
      doc.SB_Fehlercode2 = temp13
      doc.SB_Fehlercode3 = temp14
      doc.SB_Fehlercode4 = temp15
      doc.SB_Fehlercode5 = temp16
      doc.SB_Arbeitszeit = temp17
      doc.SB_Wartezeit = temp18
      doc.SB_Fahrzeit = temp19
      doc.SB_Fahrzone = temp20
      doc.SB_von = temp21
      doc.SB_bis = temp22
      doc.SB_Region = temp23
      Call Doc.Save(True, False) 
   Goto SubClose 
 'Msgbox "An error was encountered." 
 'Print "Error: " Error(), "   Err:" Err(), " Erl:" Erl() 
   If Err=213 Then 
      Messagebox Filename & " was not found. Verify Path and Filename, then try the Import again." 
      Resume SubEnd 
      Messagebox "Error" & Str(Err) & ": " & Error$ 
   End If 
   Resume Next 
   Set xlapp = Nothing 
   Set view=db.getview("import1") 
   Call ws.viewrefresh 
End Sub 

Hauptsache ist, daß die Hauptsache Hauptsache bleibt!

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Re:Import von Excel-Datenfeldern via Script
« Antwort #1 am: 06.12.02 - 22:35:07 »
... ich habe mir leider nicht die Zeit genommen dein Script in allen Tiefen anzusehen, aber ich würde es mit Datumskonvertierungen versuchen - du findest alles in der NotesHilfe ...

« Letzte Änderung: 06.12.02 - 22:35:47 von ata »
Grüßle Toni :)


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