I have problem with some questions that I found. Can you tell me which response is correct ?
1) If you pretend do the validation in a field when the cursor out it where the best place?
2) If you like the JS validation field function in both environments (Client and Web) where the best event?
Options available:
- Input Validation
- OnBlur
- OnChange,.....
3) If you pretend obtein the rollover effect what do you do?
-( a mix of words where events onMouseOver and onMouseOut is in)
4) What is the sintax in Java Script
5) How HTML source is generated when you see the source code (about the way how is generated the name form if the form name is DominoPrincipal and alias is DP)
6) If you have the JS code in R4.x (defined in HTMLHead....) where do you´ll put this code in R5 version?
(I don´t know)
- JS Header
- HTML Header Contents.
7) Which of these best describes the Location object?
1. Contains the URL of a hypertext link
2. Contained by the history object
3. Contained by the document object
4. Contains the URL of the current doc
A variable is defined like below. What is x ?
var x = document.forms[0];
- The form object of the current page
- A document object with a form referrer
9) Look at the following function.
function clickButton(){
What does it do?
- Runs a global JS function called onClick()
- Runs onClick event of the onSubmit object
- Runs a JS function called onClick that is on a form object called submitMe
- Obviously wrong
10) What does the following code do?
onfiltered= "submitMe(this.form);"
- Call the function and pass form object of current page
- Call the function and pass form object of the current button object
11) Which is true of the history object?
- Belongs to window object
- Belongs to document object
- Belongs to location object
Thanks !