Grade habe ich versucht den unter APPS auf der Domino CD enthaltenen SNMP-Agent für AIX mal zu installieren.
Ich werde immer mit folgender Fehlermeldung beglückt:
Looking for Lotus Notes executable...
Found Lotus Notes executable.
Looking for Lotus Notes Server data directory...
Found Lotus Notes Server data directory.
Identified Lotus Notes as version 5.0 or greater
Copying Domino Management Agent files ...
Copying file ./quryset --> /opt/lotus/notes/latest/ibmpow/quryset.
Copying file ./intrcpt --> /opt/lotus/notes/latest/ibmpow/intrcpt.
Copying file ./reflect --> /opt/lotus/notes/latest/ibmpow/reflect.
Copying file ./lsnmpcfg.nsf --> /rfas099/lsnmpcfg.nsf.
Checking for "SNMP Trap" notification method... Failure compiling search
formula. Error code = (1281,1281)
Could not configure "SNMP Trap" notification method.
Failed to configure Notes.
Domino Management Agent Install did not Complete Successfully.
Try again after correcting the problem.
Wie behebe ich den dieses Problem? oder einfacher:
Woran liegts?
