Autor Thema: IBM-Umfrage zu "Mehreren Mail-Accounts" (POP3, ...)  (Gelesen 1818 mal)

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Wenn Ihr mehrere nicht-Notes E-Mail Accounts mit Notes abfragen wollt/müsst, solltet Ihr Euch ev. die Zeit nehmen und auf dem Notes Design Blog kundtun, was ihr wollt/braucht:

In our case, we're talking about being able to access other mail accounts from a Notes client.  As the definition says, each mail account should be able to 'retain control of its own internal affairs.'  So, here are my questions:
1.        In Notes today, we have the ability to configure a POP or IMAP account and bring that mail directly into your Inbox. 
2.        Are you using that feature today?
3.        Do you like having other mail in your regular mail .nsf (i.e. in your Inbox or possibly another folder), or would you prefer to have it in a separate local .nsf?
4.        We know it's important for you to be able to send mail from this account (within Notes) and to have a separate signature for 'other mail' accounts.  Are there other features you need for 'other mail accounts'?
5.        In Notes today, you can open another person's Notes mail (provided they've given you access) in another tab.  Would you find it useful to open different mail accounts (i.e. a POP or IMAP account) in different tabs?
6.        Do you store contacts in your POP or IMAP accounts?  Would you want to be able to import those contacts when you added that mail account to Notes?

Margo Ezekiel, Notes & iNotes Client UI Designer, Mail
Do you ever want to read mail from other accounts when you’re in Notes?
m³ aka. Martin -- leyrers online pamphlet | LEYON - All things Lotus (IBM Collaborations Solutions)

All programs evolve until they can send email.
Except Microsoft Exchange.
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