Das ist so nicht ganz korrekt.
Man muss Notes-Client und Web-Client unterscheiden!
1) Es gibt kein "Passwort" (siehe auch "There is no spoon"). Die Anmeldung an Notes erfolgt auf Basis der Public/Private Key Verschlüsselung mittels eines Client-Zertifikates, das in der Notes-ID gespeichert ist. Dieses Zertifikat ist durch ein Passwort geschützt, das in der Notes-ID verschlüsselt abgelegt ist.
Sie auch "Password-protection for Notes and Domino IDs" in der ADmin-Hilfe:
By default, Notes and Domino use passwords only to protect information stored in ID files. However, you can configure servers to verify passwords and Notes public keys during authentication. Password and public-key verification reduces the unauthorized use of IDs. If you set up a server to verify passwords and an unauthorized user obtains an ID and its password, the authorized user just needs to change the password for the ID. Then, the next time the unauthorized user attempts to authenticate, that user will not be allowed access to the server because Domino informs the user that they must change the password on this copy of the ID to match that on another copy of their ID (which the unauthorized user doesn't know).
Along with verifying passwords, you can set up servers to require users to change their password periodically.
2) Zur Verschlüsselung muss ich noch was nachschauen, das liefere ich noch nach
3) Aus der 6.5er Admin-Hilfe, Kapitel "Password-protection for Notes and Domino IDs ":
The password quality level you assign is enforced when you enter a password for new IDs or when users change the password for an existing ID. When users change their passwords, Notes displays information about the password quality level required by the ID file. Users must enter a password that meets the criteria for the level; otherwise, they are not allowed to change the password.
Den Web-Part liefere ich ebenfalls, wenn ich daheim bin, nach.