Autor Thema: max. Anzahl der Speichersegmente überschritten  (Gelesen 1956 mal)

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max. Anzahl der Speichersegmente überschritten
« am: 06.11.02 - 06:54:15 »
hallo liebe gemeinde,

der aw kriegt beim erstellen von folders folgende meldung>:
maximale anzahl der speichersegmente, die notes unterstützen kann, wurde überschritten.
der aw hat schon sehr viele ordner und braucht aber noch mehr!

wer hat bitte hierzu eine erklärung

danke und viele grüsse

Offline eknori

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Re:max. Anzahl der Speichersegmente überschritten
« Antwort #1 am: 06.11.02 - 07:43:32 »
"Maximum Number of Memory Segments Notes Can Support Has Been Exceeded" Moving Mail to New Folder


A Notes Client 5.x user tries to move an opened message to a new folder in their mail file and the following error message displays:

"Maximum number of memory segments that Notes can support has been exceeded"

Note that this issue may not appear if the user instead highlights a message from the folder level vs. the open memo.


The issue was reported to Lotus Software Quality Engineering; however it has not been reproducible in Notes 5.x or Notes 6.

The problem may be caused by either a combination of too many views and/or folders.  There is no specific limit to the number of folders/views, as this also depends on the names as well as other elements.  Refer to the document titled "Maximum Character Length and Nesting Levels for Views and Folders" (#140947 ) for more information.

In this case, the issue was most likely due to an excessive number of folders in the database -- over 1500 of them.  When Notes brings up the dialog box and populates it with the list of folders, each folder listed in the dialog box occupies memory.  When you click "Create Folder" it creates another dialog box.  So, in effect, you are exceeding the limitations of the number of private handles that can be allocated.


Delete a "fair amount" of unnecessary folders to avoid this problem.

Use the archiving functionality of R5 to pair down the size of the mail file.  A separate archive could be created for each year or subject no longer used.

und noch

Folder/View Limitation for Databases in Notes R5


Is there a limit to the number of folders and views there can be in a database?


There is not a predetermined limit but the database is limited by the number of "handles" that can be used.  The number of handles is limited to 10,495.  Notes can run out of memory handles when creating the sitemap for the list of views and folders in a database.  It usually manifests itself in the following error message:

"Maximum number of memory segments that Notes can support has been exceeded"

If there is a very large number of folders in a given database Notes attempts to allocate memory for each one of the folders and views while creating a sitemap for them.  Eventually, Notes can fail to allocate enough memory as it can't track where all the memory is (due to the limitation on the maximum number of handles).  

The workaround would be to use a more reasonable or practical number of folders/views a database.

« Letzte Änderung: 06.11.02 - 07:45:30 von eknori »
Egal wie tief man die Messlatte für den menschlichen Verstand auch ansetzt: jeden Tag kommt jemand und marschiert erhobenen Hauptes drunter her!


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