Autor Thema: Agent via ODBC (Netz-Laufwerk) import von MS Access 2000 DB  (Gelesen 1454 mal)

Offline HD

  • Frischling
  • *
  • Beiträge: 8
  • Geschlecht: Männlich
Hallo zusammen,
habe folgendes Problem, nach Update NT4 auf Windows 2003 Server SP2 funktioniert der Agent nicht mehr.

Foglende Eckdaten:
Windows 2003 Server SP2
Notes Domino 6.5.6 FP2
ODBC auf Access 2000 DB(System DSN) auf Netzlaufwerk H:\
Zugriff via Notes Client von der gleichen Maschine funktioniert.
Der Agent läuft an und läuft und läuft... ohne Fehlermeldung --> Restart Domino

Gibt es Probleme auf Server 2003 und ODBC mit Netzlaufwerken??

Hier der Code vom Agent:

Sub Initialize
   Dim Session As New NotesSession
   Dim logdb As NotesDatabase
   Set logdb = Session.CurrentDatabase
   Dim Con As New ODBCConnection
   On Error Goto MyErrorHandler
   Print "nach DIM"
REM  MS Access Database declarations
   Const adbFileName = "Northwind"  ' This is the DSN Name as registered in ODBC
   Const adbTableName = "categories"  ' This is a table in the northwind database   
REM  Notes Database declarations
   Const ndbViewName = "By Company Name"  ' This is an existing View in the target database
   Const ndbFormName = "Customer"  ' This is an existing Form in the target database   
   RetCode% = Con.ConnectTo("Northwind")
   Dim Qry As New ODBCQuery
   Set Qry.Connection = Con
   Qry.SQL = "SELECT * FROM categories"
   Dim res As New ODBCResultSet
   Set Res.Query = Qry
   Dim db As NotesDatabase
   Set db = Session.currentdatabase
   RetCode% = Res.FirstRow   
   Do While RetCode% =True
      Dim Doc As New NotesDocument(db)         
      doc.form = "Customer"
      doc.CustomerID = Cstr(Res.GetValue( "CategoryID" ))
      doc.CompanyName = Cstr(Res.GetValue( "CategoryName" ))
      doc.ContactName =  Cstr(Res.GetValue( "Decription" ))
      doc.ARTNR = Cstr(Res.GetValue("ARTNR") )
      doc.ESTK = Cstr(Res.GetValue("Summe von ESTK"))
      doc.EMENGE = Cstr(Res.GetValue("Summe von EMENGE"))
      doc.EINHEITKZ = Cstr(Res.GetValue("EINHEITKZ") )
      doc.EINGDAT = Cstr(Res.GetValue("EINGDAT") )
      doc.LIEFDAT = Cstr(Res.GetValue("LIEFTDAT") )
      doc.STATUS = Cstr(Res.GetValue("STATUS") )
      Call (True, True)
      RetCode% = Res.NextRow
   Print "DB-Close und Disconnect"
   RetCode% = Res.Close( DB_CLOSE )
   RetCode% = Con.Disconnect           
   Print "Finished"
   Exit Sub
   Msgbox "Error: " & Error$ & " occurred at line " & Erl
   Exit Sub
End Sub ???
« Letzte Änderung: 20.03.08 - 12:13:55 von HD »

Offline HD

  • Frischling
  • *
  • Beiträge: 8
  • Geschlecht: Männlich
Problem gelöst - UNC-Pfad in Registy eintragen unter ODBC-> DBQ
Hey the problem was the mapped drive.
Microsoft has blocked any attempt at obtaining the full path name from a service!!!!!!!!!!

This would generally not be a problem except when using the Microsoft Access Database Driver. It allows only a mapped drive to be used as a location.

There is a fix for my problem - the DSN needs to have the data sources specified using a UNC name instead of a mapped drive - only to conifgure in the registry.

To do this open the registry and browse to HKLM\Software\ODBC. Look in the key that relates to the DSN you are using. Change the values of DBQ and SystemDB to UNC names (\\servername\sharename\file).

Thx for your help together


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