Autor Thema: modify appearance of today ...  (Gelesen 1228 mal)

Offline Toma Bogdan

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modify appearance of today ...
« am: 26.10.02 - 10:16:54 »
how can I modify the appearance of today from the formula @Created
(to avoid the text: Today, Yesterday...)  ???

Eg: Today 14:20 and I want to display 10.26.2002 14:20

I don't want to use something like this : @TextToTime(@Text(@Created))
« Letzte Änderung: 26.10.02 - 10:20:21 von Toma Bogdan »


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Re:modify appearance of today ...
« Antwort #1 am: 26.10.02 - 11:26:45 »
it's a property in the info box :
Select view- information  -5ft tab - 1st option "Show" (?) ("Anzeigen")


Offline Toma Bogdan

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Re:modify appearance of today ...
« Antwort #2 am: 26.10.02 - 13:15:58 »
To display a date
  1.   Select or create a Date/Time field.
  2.   On the Control tab , select "Display Date."
Select User's settings to use the preferences from the users' workstations.
Select Custom to customize the display.

If you select Custom, choose display options. As you select options, the sample will change to show you what the user will see.

Note  If you specify a comma as a date separator (for example: 11,15,98) then you must use a semi-colon if you are separating multiple dates in a list (for example: 11,15,98; 12,15,98; 1,15,99). If you specify a semi-colon as the date separator, then you must use a comma to separate multiple values in the list.

The following are the date display options:

* All
* Only month, day, and year
* Only weekday, month, and day
* Only month and year
* Only month and day
* Only year

* None
* Show 'today' when appropriate
* Always show four digit year
* Show four digit year for the 21st century
* Show year only when not this year

* YMDW - Year, month, day, weekday. For example, 98 12/17/Thu.
* WMDY - Weekday, month, day, year. For example, Thu 12/17/98.
* WDMY - Weeday, day, month, year. For example, Thu 17/12/98.


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