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Es geht in Script - siehe Designer Hilfe zur Klasse NotesReplication:
Read-write. Indicates whether replication is disabled.
Defined in
Data type
To get: flag = notesReplication.Disabled
To set: notesReplication.Disabled = flag
Legal values
True to disable replication
False to enable replication
After setting this property, you must call Save for the changes to take effect. If you do not call Save, your changes are lost.
Beispiel: Replikation abschalten
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim rep As NotesReplication
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set rep = db.ReplicationInfo
If rep.Disabled Then
rep.Disabled = True
End If
Call rep.Save()
Eine laufende Replikation wird vermutlich zu Ende laufen. Denn der Replikator prüft vor dem Replizieren, welche Datenbanken zu replizieren sind.