Autor Thema: Server_Availability_Treshold=100 / notes.ini  (Gelesen 1660 mal)

Offline crasher-mike

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Server_Availability_Treshold=100 / notes.ini
« am: 09.11.07 - 14:10:50 »

ich habe auf einem Domino 7.02 Server mit FP2 den folgenden Eintrag in die notes.ini hinzugefügt.


Meines Wissens nach sollte der Server solange keine Verbindungen akkzeptieren, bis die Clusterpartner nicht mehr zu erreichen sind.

Allerdings kann ich vom Client aus weiterhin Datenbanken auf diesem Server öffnen.

Gibt es bei dem (vielversprechend klingenden) Parameter noch etwas zu beachten ?





Offline Andy B

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Re: Server_Availability_Treshold=100 / notes.ini
« Antwort #1 am: 09.11.07 - 14:21:21 »


macht nichts


macht den Server busy
« Letzte Änderung: 09.11.07 - 14:36:28 von Andy B »

Offline hallo.dirk

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Re: Server_Availability_Treshold=100 / notes.ini
« Antwort #2 am: 09.11.07 - 14:33:19 »
Specifies the acceptable level of system resources available to a server. By setting this value for each server in a cluster, you determine how the workload is distributed among cluster members. Valid values are 0 to 100. Domino compares this value against a server's availability index; when the availability index falls below the Server_Availability_Threshold value, the server becomes BUSY. A Server_Availability_Threshold value of zero (0) indicates a fully available state and workload balancing is disabled; a value of 100 indicates the server is BUSY (since the availability index can never be greater than 100) and the Cluster Manager then tries to redirect user requests to more available cluster members.
This setting allows you to specify the maximum availability level beyond which the server attempts to redirect user requests to other servers in the cluster.
A server's availability index is recalculated each minute and compared against any threshold you set. If the index falls below the server threshold, the server becomes BUSY. The Cluster Manager redirects access requests from a BUSY server to the servers in the cluster. When an attempt to redirect is unsuccessful, the user receives access to the BUSY server. Each time a redirection occurs, Notes generates a workload balancing event in the Notes log (LOG.NSF).
How is workload balancing enabled on the Domino server?
Workload balancing is enabled on the Domino server by using the setting Server_Availability_Threshold in the NOTES.INI. If the server availability index falls below the specified threshold then the server is busy. The ICM dynamically load balances the workload to a better available server.

Also es sollte eigentlich so funktionieren....

Läuft das Cluster denn sauber?
« Letzte Änderung: 09.11.07 - 14:34:54 von hallo.dirk »

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