Außerdem brauchts den ganzen Zirkus doch nicht. Wenn man anstelle des Line Input bei dieser Geschichte und unter diesen Voraussetzungen das stinknormale Input # benutzt dann kann man sich die Parserei sparen.
Auszug aus der Online Hilfe:
Input #fileNumber , variableList
The number assigned to the file when you opened it. A pound sign (#) sign must precede the file number.
A list of variables, separated by commas. The data read from the file is assigned to these variables. File data and its data types must match these variables and their data types.
variableList cannot include arrays, lists, variables of a user-defined data type, or object reference variables. It can include individual array elements, list elements, and members of a user-defined data type or user-defined class.
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String variable
The next non-space character in the file is assumed to begin a string. Note these special conditions:
If that character is a double quotation mark ("), it is ignored; however, all characters following it (including commas, spaces, and newline characters) up to the next double quotation mark are read into the string variable.
If the first character is not a double quotation mark, the next space, comma, or end-of-line character ends the string.
Blank lines are translated to the empty string ("").
Note that tab is a non-space character.