Mehrere Notes Benutzer an einer Workstation
Hier eine Lösung für dieses Problem- leider auf neudeutsch
Gruß bauwen
Lotus Notes
Beschreibung: Hinweis
1. Exit Notes.
2. Using Windows Explorer, create a data folder for another user (for example, c:\lotus\notes\ssdata).
3. Copy all files and folders in your data directory (\lotus\notes\data) to the new user's local data directory created in step 2.
4. In the new user's local data directory, delete the following files:
all database files (.nsf) except HELP
*.BOX (if it exists)
Note: Do not delete the folders in the data directory
5. Move the NOTES.INI file from the \lotus\notes directory to the \lotus\notes\data directory
6. COPY the NOTES.INI file in the lotus\notes\data directory to your new users local data directory
7. Open the new users NOTES.INI file. Keep the first four lines and delete the remainder of the file.
8. Make the following changes to the NOTES.INI file:
Directory=[new user's local data directory]
(for example, directory=c:\lotus\notes\ssdata)
Notesprogram=[Shared program folder]
(for example, notesprogram=c:\lotus\notes)
WinNTIconPath=[new user's SmartIcon folder]
(for example, winnticonpath=c:\lotus\notes\ssdata\w32)
9. Choose File---> Exit. Click Yes to save the NOTES.INI file.
10. Find and select the NOTES.EXE file. Then, choose File =>Create Shortcut.
11. Drag the new shortcut to your Windows desktop and rename it to reflect the new user's name ( for example, Sam's Notes)
12. Select the shortcut icon. Choose File=>Properties
13. Change the Start in: field to the path of the new user's local data directory ( for example, c:\loutus\notes\ssdata).Click O.K.
14. Start Notes, Complete the workstation setup as you would on a new user.
15. Repeat Steps 1 through 14 for each new user
Choose Start = Settings=Taskbar & Start Menu....
Select the Start Menu Programs tab. Click Remove
click the + to the left of Lotus Applications
Select Lotus Notes. Click Remove
Click Close. Then, Click OK.
17. Create a new desktop shortcut for the original user by following steps 10-13
** I would test this on a machine before implementing it with active users.
We are currently testing this in an NT environment with a small pilot group. We are running 5.0.3 for most users.